Translator Disclaimers
Utility Emergency Information [pdf 320kB]

  • Utility Restoration Plans:
    • PSEG - County/City Comparision
      November 11, 2012 [pdf 77kB]
    • JCP&L - November 11, 2012
      - JCP&L - Restoration Estimates for NJ Counties [pdf 10kB]
      - JCP&L - Restoration Estimates for NJ Towns [pdf 20kB]
      - JCP&L - NJ Counties By Day [pdf 15kB]
      - JCP&L - NJ Towns By Day [pdf 20kB]
    • ACE - November 5, 2012 [pdf 10 kB]
      ACE is reporting 100% restoration to their customers who can receive service. There are approximately 4,000 mainland customers and approximately 1,000 customers on Long Beach Island that cannot yet receive service due to equipment or meter problems, or other damage. As more information becomes available regarding these restoration efforts we will post it to this web site.
    • RECO
      - RECO Report November 9, 2012 [pdf 183kB]
      - RECO County Outage Statistics November 7, 2012 [pdf 55kB]