Map Information:

Map Title:
Jersey TurMills "Sow once, reap forever" Clean Energy for New Jersey
Name(s) of Author(s):
Seema Gopinathan
NJDEP Bureau of GIS
Email Address:
Software Used to Make Map:
Data Sources:

NJDEP nj_counties, images of turbine and windmill (see below)

Map Description:

“Jersey Tur-mills” is a three dimensional model-map of Wind Turbines and Windmills. A simple map of New Jersey was created using ESRI’s Arc Map application and printed on 8.5 x 11 size cardstock paper using a color printer.

Then the template for the Wind Turbine

or the Windmill

was printed over the map. I followed the instructions on cutting out the various pieces and putting them together. Some gluing was necessary.