Regional Epidemiology Program (REP)

The Regional Epidemiology Program (REP) provides technical assistance in communicable disease epidemiological response to local health departments and other public health partners throughout the state.

Key REP functions include:

  • Assist local health departments with epidemiologic aspects of communicable disease investigations and outbreaks (e.g., coordination of epidemiologic response among stakeholders; creation of investigative tools/materials, to include questionnaires, line-lists, databases; data analysis; recommending control measures; enhanced surveillance)
  • Provide technical assistance to local health departments for communicable disease investigation Conduct communicable disease surveillance and investigation for diseases of public health significance
  • Provide onsite technical assistance to local public health partners Maintain a network of communicable disease public health partners within each public health region, particularly among local health departments and hospitals
  • Provide information and updates on communicable diseases and disease outbreaks through in-person meetings, webinars, training programs, and written communications.

Contact Information:

Regional Epidemiology Program

Last Reviewed: 4/3/2017