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July 22, 2010

Office of The Attorney General
- Paula T. Dow, Attorney General
Division of Criminal Justice
- Stephen J. Taylor, Director

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Insurance Brokers Charged With Stealing Over $2.5 Million From Perth Amboy Board of Education by Submitting Fraudulent Bills
Insurance broker Francis X. Gartland indicted again in ongoing state investigation

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TRENTON – Attorney General Paula T. Dow and Criminal Justice Director Stephen J. Taylor announced that Maryland insurance broker Francis X. Gartland, two of his companies, and a second broker from Summit, N.J., were indicted today on charges that they conspired to steal more than $2.5 million from the Perth Amboy Board of Education by submitting fraudulent bills.

The Division of Criminal Justice obtained a prior indictment in June charging Gartland, his son-in-law and a business partner from Maryland, and their companies with stealing $216,495 from the City of Perth Amboy by collecting payments for a non-existent “wellness program” for city employees.

According to Director Taylor, today’s indictment, returned by a state grand jury, charges Francis X. Gartland, 69, of Baltimore, Md.; Brian Foley, 36, of Summit, N.J.; and Gartland’s companies Gartland and Company Inc. (“GAC”) and E-Administrative Systems Inc. (“EAS”) with conspiracy (1st degree) , money laundering (1st degree), money laundering (structuring) (2nd degree), theft by deception (2nd degree), making false representations for a government contract (2nd degree), falsifying or tampering with records (4th degree), and forgery (4th degree). Gartland is also charged with misconduct by a corporate official (2nd degree).

The indictment stems from an ongoing investigation by the Division of Criminal Justice Corruption Bureau.

“We allege that these insurance brokers systematically stole more than $2.5 million from the Perth Amboy School District through a fraudulent scheme in which the district was billed for services for employees that were never provided or authorized,” said Attorney General Dow. “Those are dollars stolen from taxpayers and from the school children of the City of Perth Amboy.”

“This is the second indictment we have obtained charging Gartland with exploiting his position as an insurance broker for public entities to steal very large sums of money,” said Director Taylor. “We will diligently pursue the evidence wherever it leads us in this ongoing investigation.”

GAC was the broker of record for health benefits insurance for the Perth Amboy Board of Education (“PABOE”), and was authorized to act on the PABOE’s behalf with its medical insurance carrier. The indictment alleges that between November 2003 and July 2009, the defendants and an unnamed co-conspirator conspired to fraudulently obtain $2,593,400 from the PABOE by charging it for nonexistent or unauthorized healthcare related programs and services, including wellness programs and employee assistance programs.

Foley and the unnamed co-conspirator, worked for an unnamed insurance brokerage firm where the co-conspirator was the co-broker of record for the PABOE and was also authorized to act on its behalf with the insurance carrier. The defendants alleged used GAC’s position as broker of record for the PABOE and the other firm’s position as co-broker of record to authorize or cause to be authorized payments to GAC and EAS for the nonexistent or unauthorized programs and services.

The indictment alleges that the defendants falsely represented to the insurance carrier that the PABOE authorized the insurance carrier to pay fees on behalf of the PABOE from its medical claims bank account for the programs and services. The defendants allegedly submitted fraudulent and forged PABOE authorization letters and fraudulent billing invoices from vendors to the insurance carrier resulting in payments from the PABOE medical claims bank account.

The indictment identifies 15 alleged instances in which checks or payments were received from the insurance carrier by GAC and EAS as a result of fraudulent billing. They included payments of $341,400, $391,000, $436,000, $465,000, $480,000, as well as 9 payments of $40,000 each and one payment of $120,000 ($480,000 total). The indictment alleges that the funds were deposited into the bank accounts of GAC, EAS and the defendants subsequently disbursed payments from those accounts to benefit themselves and others.

Gartland issued checks to himself from the GAC and EAS accounts. In disbursing funds for the benefit of the others involved in the conspiracy from GAC and EAS accounts, Gartland allegedly concealed the fact that the funds were disbursed for their benefit in various ways, including, for example, by directly paying the personal bills of the unnamed co-conspirator and by issuing checks to Foley’s wife in her maiden name, all as set forth in the indictment.

The defendants allegedly engaged in transactions designed to conceal or disguise the source, ownership and control of the funds obtained by fraud. It is alleged that, in transactions with banks involving the fraudulently obtained funds, they deliberately broke down the funds into amounts small enough to evade state and federal currency transaction reporting requirements.

Deputy Attorneys General Dianne C. DiGiamber Deal and Pearl Minato presented the case to the state grand jury for the Division of Criminal Justice Corruption Bureau. The investigation was led for the DCJ Corruption Bureau by Detectives Benjamin Kukis, Sgt. Dino Dettorre and Deputy Attorneys General Deal and Minato, assisted by Lee Bailey.

First-degree charges carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in state prison, while second-degree charges carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in state prison. Fourth-degree charges carry a maximum sentence of 18 months in prison. The defendants also face fines of up to $5,186,800 for the individual defendants, and fines of up to $15,560,400 for the corporate defendants. In addition, a $2,880,000 public corruption profiteering penalty would also apply. The money laundering charges carry an additional anti-money laundering profiteering penalty of up to $7,780,200 for the first-degree offense and up to $551,400 for the second-degree offense.

The indictment is merely an accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The indictment was handed up to Superior Court Judge Edward M. Neafsey in Mercer County, who assigned the case to Middlesex County, where the defendants will be ordered to appear in court at a later date. The indictment is linked to this press release at


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