52:4B-7. Hearings by review board
7. Hearings on appeals from decisions of the Victims of Crime Compensation Agency involving issues of victim compensation shall be conducted by the Victims of Crime Compensation Review Board in the following manner:

a. Upon an application made to the board under the provisions of P.L.1971, c.317, the board shall fix a time and place for a hearing on such application and shall cause notice thereof to be given to the applicant.

b. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of P.L.1971, c.317, the board, or any member thereof, may hold such hearings, sit and act at such times and places, and take such testimony as the board or such member may deem advisable. Any member of the board may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses. The board shall have full powers of subpoena and compulsion of attendance of witnesses and production of documents, except that no subpoena shall be issued except under the signature of a member of the board, and application to any court for aid in enforcing such subpoena may be made in the name of the board by any member thereof. Subpoenas shall be served by any person designated by the board.

c. In any case in which the person entitled to make an application is a child, the application may be made on his behalf by his parent, guardian, or advocate. In any case in which the person entitled to make an application is mentally incompetent, the application may be made on his behalf by his guardian, advocate, or such other individual authorized to administer his estate.

d. Any person having a substantial interest in a proceeding may appear, produce evidence and cross-examine witnesses in person or by his attorney.

e. The board may receive in evidence any statement, document, information, or matter that may in the opinion of the board contribute to its functions under P.L.1971, c.317, but the board shall not be bound by the rules of evidence.

f. If any person has been convicted of any offense with respect to an act or omission on which a claim under P.L.1971, c.317 is based, proof of that conviction shall be taken as conclusive evidence that the offense has been committed, unless an appeal or any proceeding with regard thereto is pending.