State of New Jersey

Division of The Ratepayer Advocate
31 Clinton Street, 11th Fl.
P. O. Box 46005
Newark, New Jersey 07101

Press Release

For Immediate Release
Friday, April 02, 2004

For Further Information
Contact: Tom Rosenthal
Tel: 973-648-2690

As Ratepayer Advocate, I am not in favor of any rate increase.

As you know, in this matter, we believed that the record we established demonstrated that the UNE rate that Verizon can charge its competition to lease its network should be lowered. Our position remains that lower wholesale rates will increase competition among the carriers, increase consumer choice and increase technological innovation.

However, the commissioners of the Board of Public Utilities are charged with the responsibility of balancing the interests of consumers against those of the utilities.

I feel that the $1.81 increase the BPU unanimously granted Verizon, which raises the UNE wholesale rates charged to competitors from $12.62 per line per month to $14.43 is fair and reasonable.

I don’t believe that this increase in the wholesale rate should adversely affect competition in the local telephone market in New Jersey. If it does, we will ask the Board to revisit this rate.

I do not believe that this increase should be automatically passed through to customers in the form of higher retail rates. The local telephone market is elastic and Verizon’s competitors should be able to absorb this increase in wholesale rates. I am hopeful that the competing carriers will remain in New Jersey because consumers benefit when competition is vibrant.

This increase should satisfy Verizon’s claims that it needs to be better compensated for its network.

Now that Verizon has been awarded an increase in the UNE rate, I am hopeful that Verizon will continue to make investing in New Jersey’s telecommunications infrastructure a priority. This will benefit New Jersey’s economy by providing technological innovation and spur business expansion and job creation.


The Division of the Ratepayer Advocate is an independent state agency that represents the interests of utility consumers and serves as an active participant in every case where New Jersey utilities seek changes in their rates or services. The Ratepayer Advocate also gives consumers a voice in setting long-range energy, water, and telecommunications policy that will affect the delivery of utility services well into the future.

Additional information on this and other matters can be found at the Division of Ratepayer Advocate’s website at