The Ratepayer Advocate Filed a Motion to Dismiss Verizon's Petition


On December 30, 1999, Verizon-New Jersey ("Verizon") filed a petition comprising its Modified Plan for Alternative Regulation called the Competitive Telecommunications Plan ("CTP"). On May 18, 2000, Verizon submitted a supplemental filing providing testimony and further documentary support of its proposal. In its CTP, Verizon seeks to reclassify all of its rate regulated services as competitive. Under New Jersey law, in order for its services to be deemed competitive, Verizon must demonstrate the existence of competition in the New Jersey local service market. The CTP also includes and initial revenue-neutral rate increase to residential basic exchange services. Verizon's proposed rate restructuring consists of packaged services which include Touch-Tone and three vertical services, plus 25 minutes of regional toll calling. The package permits customers to choose a package based on use: low usage at $15.00, moderate usage at $16:00, and unlimited usage at $17.50. To date, Verizon has not set forth which of its vertical services will be included in the package. The Ratepayer Advocate believes that there is no significant local telephone competition in the State. The Ratepayer Advocate further maintains that the CTP is not in the public interest because consumers should have a choice as to the type of telephone service they receive, whether it be basic service or a full range of enhanced services.

On October 30, after 17 days of hearings and upon conclusion of presentation of Verizon's case, the Ratepayer Advocate made an oral motion to dismiss Verizon's entire CTP based on a lack of evidence in the record. The brief in support of the Ratepayer Advocate's oral motion was filed on November 9. The Ratepayer Advocate maintains that the rate increase proposed by Verizon is neither just nor reasonable and if approved, may impose a substantial burden on ratepayers. Additionally, the Ratepayer Advocate strongly believes that ratepayers should have choice in selecting their local service provider, at reasonable rates, without being forced to purchase additional services that they may not want or need. To that end, the Ratepayer Advocate remains committed to litigating this matter to a conclusion that benefits both consumers and competition.

Oral Motion to Dismiss Verizon’s Petition   

Brief and Appendix in Support of Motion to Dismiss Verizon New Jersey Inc.’s Petition On Behalf of the New Jersey Division of the Ratepayer Advocate. 

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