N.J. State Commission of Investigation

Money Laundering

In December 1993, to highlight its assault on the deleterious effects of money laundering by the criminal underworld in New Jersey, the Commission held two days of public hearings to focus on the need for an explicit criminal statute targeting such unscrupulous financial activity for prosecution. In October 1994, the Legislature enacted and Governor Whitman signed into law a measure implementing the Commission's key recommendations.

To download and read the entire report please click here.


50 West State St. 14th Floor
P.O. Box 045
Trenton, NJ 08625-0045
Tel (609) 292-6767 Fax (609) 633-7366

50 West State St. 14th Floor
P.O. Box 045
Trenton, NJ 08625-0045
Tel (609) 292-6767 Fax (609) 633-7366