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New Jersey’s grain and forage producers harvest more acres than any other agricultural commodity, but their total receipts are among the lowest per acre of all commodities grown and produced in the state. With rising operating and processing costs, grain and forage cropland is among the most threatened in New Jersey. Keeping those acres in active agriculture will require an innovative approach to new market opportunities that will increase demand and keep prices competitive.

One promising market is the gasoline additive ethanol. Both the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and Farm Bureau have endorsed the development of an ethanol production facility to enhance the existing grain market and improve the viability of New Jersey’s grain farms. Garden State Ethanol (GSE) was formed by farmers to provide farmers of New Jersey and surrounding states with an alternative market for their field corn while generating a profit for its investors. GSE is currently in the process of securing funding for the development of an ethanol plant in West Deptford, New Jersey. The plant is anticipated to generate 40 million gallons of ethanol each year, using 14.5 million bushels of corn. The process will also produce in excess of 121,000 tons of distillers’ grains that will be sold for livestock feed, and 121,000 tons of carbon dioxide. The New Jersey Department of Agriculture has received a grant to develop a flash freezing operation for Jersey grown fruits and vegetables using the liquid carbon dioxide.

Aside from the benefits to the agricultural community, ethanol stands to improve the quality of life for other residents of New Jersey, as well. Ethanol replaces MTBE in gasoline. MTBE has been identified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a groundwater contaminant and a pervasive pollutant in the environment. Many states throughout the United States have banned the use of MTBE. New Jersey has not yet joined this ban.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the delegates of the 89th State Agricultural Convention, assembled in Long Branch, New Jersey on February 4, 2004, support the continued development of the West Deptford ethanol plant, and urge the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and New Jersey Farm Bureau to continue their support and advocacy of the project.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge the Governor, Legislature, and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to join with our neighboring states and ban the use of MTBE as a gasoline additive.