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Contact: Dr. Sebastian Reist, (609) 671-6400

Recommendations for Professionals Visiting Livestock Operations (pdf 87k)

Following the basic model of the New Jersey Cattle Health Assurance Program (NJCHAP) but tailored for sheep and goat producers. The New Jersey Sheep and Goat Quality Health Assurance assists producers in raising healthy small ruminants in the state. By focusing on herd health and biosecurity best management principals, in tandem with your herd veterinarian, Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension, New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) personnel, and herd owners to help them establish disease control programs that will benefit the owners, the herd, and the land. Call the Division of Animal Health at (609) 671-6400 to schedule a herd risk assessment on your farm.

The primary focus of the program is the development of an individualized assessment and herd plan for each producer. The plan helps identify and remedy high-risk areas for disease control and introduction.


Most producers will opt to continue on a specific disease control program such as those for Johne’s disease, Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL), Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE), brucellosis, etc. In these instances NJDA-DAH staff will help the producer and his/her veterinarian develop specific strategies to control the diseases using epidemiologic evaluations and disease testing at the NJ Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory tailored to the specific herd/flock. Ideally by increasing herd/flock health and biosecurity the farmer will experience greater opportunity and sustainability.