Home > Divisions > Food and Nutrition > Food Distribution Programs > State Food Purchase Program (SFPP)
State Food Purchase Program (SFPP)
Funding has been provided in the State Budget since 2007 for the State Food Purchase Program (SFPP), which distributes the funds for the purchase of healthy and nutritious foods to feed people affected by hunger.
Below is a series of helpful links that will assist individuals and agencies in locating food assistance and in determining which foods are nutrient dense.
- Emergency Feeding Operations
Please click on the map below to locate the Emergency Feeding Operation that serves your county.
- Market News Reports
Agricultural Marketing Service of the United States Department of Agriculture provides current, unbiased price and sales information to assist in the orderly marketing and distribution of farm commodities. Reports include information on prices, volume, quality, condition and other market data on farm products in specific markets and marketing areas. The data is disseminated within hours of collection.
This information may assist agencies in determining the best prices for farm commodities in New Jersey.
Market News Reports
- Food Sources Links
New Jersey Department of Human Services Food and Nutritional Information
Wholesale Buyers Guide
Jersey Fresh Website
New Jersey Farm Bureau Growers list
New Jersey Peach Promotion Council Peach Shippers
- MyPlate Food Guide
USDA's MyPlate system provides many options to help Americans make health food choices and to be active every day.
Click here for more information.
- Volunteering
New Jersey's emergency feeding operations would not be able to continue without the steadfast support of volunteers. Volunteers are always needed. Please contact the EFO serving your county by using the map above for volunteer opportunities.
The Governor's Office of Volunteerism provides support.
Visit the Governor's Office of Volunteerism website.