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In 2004, the Department began a new marketing strategy to promote the sale of horticultural products under the “Jersey Grown” label., following the successful Jersey Fresh program used to promote agricultural products

Who can use the Jersey Grown Logo?

New Jersey growers who are certified by the Department to sell or distribute nursery stock or plant material are permitted to apply for the use of the "Jersey Grown" logo in marketing their nursery stock and plant material.

How to Apply for Jersey Grown

This application shall be made in writing, with the name, address and nursery certificate of the applicant along with the type of plant material or nursery stock, which will be used under the Jersey Grown marketing program.  For your convenience, a blank application form is included at the back of this directory. 

All approved applications shall have the license granted for the period of one year beginning July 1. Licenses for the use of the “Jersey Grown” logo must be renewed on an annual basis. 

A non-refundable fee of $30.00 shall also be submitted with the application and be made payable to the New Jersey Farm Products Publicity Fund.


Download the Jersey Grown Application


What is Jersey Grown?

All nursery stock marketed under the "Jersey Grown" logo shall be propagated and/or grown in New Jersey for a period of at least 6 months prior to retail sale, maintained free of injurious insects and plant diseases and meet or exceed the nursery stock and plant standards set forth by the American Nursery and Landscape Association.

If the label says Jersey Grown, you know it is accustomed to New Jersey's soil and growing conditions, checked for quality, and is free from disease and plant pests. Also, because it’s grown right here in New Jersey, you know it meets the highest standards. 

Download the Standards and Guidelines for Nursery Stock