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NJBPU’s Investigation of Resource Adequacy Alternatives aims to determine how New Jersey can best achieve its reliability, clean energy, and environmental objectives while keeping costs to consumers as low as possible. The investigation is evaluating alternatives to the State participating in the regional capacity market administered by PJM Interconnection to ensure adequate electric generation resources for New Jersey ratepayers.
NJBPU launched the investigation in response to a decision by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that expanded the Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) in the regional capacity market, which will support fossil fuel generation and make it more expensive for New Jersey to achieve its clean energy goals.
This investigation, which aligns with the goals and strategies of New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan, is being conducted through written comments, technical conferences, public hearings, and additional proceedings as needed. If NJBPU determines that the State cannot achieve its goals through the existing paradigm, then it will recommend how best to meet the State’s energy needs and emissions-reductions goals to realize a clean energy future at reasonable prices.
In June 2021, NJBPU released a final report, Alternative Resource Adequacy Structures for New Jersey, which examines the cost, financial risk, and likely environmental outcomes for each potential framework under consideration.
Board Order on NJBPU Investigation of Resource Adequacy Alternatives – Issued March 27, 2020
Supplemental Public Notice for Written Comments (Extended Deadline May 20, 2020)