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Executive Order 40 established the Governor’s Advisory Council Against Sexual Violence in 2002.


This multidisciplinary Council is in but not of DCF and comprised of governmental and non-governmental members from across the state whose specific charges include: 

  • Reviewing the effectiveness of the current protocols, standards and practices for the examination and treatment of victims of sexual violence and attempted sexual assault and review the implementation of the protocols, standards and practices.
  • Developing specific protocols, standards and practices and recommendations to provide for an ongoing review and improvement of services for victims of sexual violence.
  • Studying the needs, priorities, programs and policies relating to sexual violence throughout the state.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the laws concerning sexual violence and make recommendations for their improvement.
  • Reviewing proposed legislation governing sexual violence and make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature.
  • Ensuring that service providers and citizens are aware of the needs of victims and services available to victims of sexual violence and make recommendations for community education and training programs.
  • Reporting their progress to the Governor within one year of the effective date of this order, and thereafter, on a regular basis as determined by the Council.