The Division of Solid
& Hazardous Waste has made every attempt to
provide accurate information. Some fields have been purposely left
blank where information was not available.
What is in
this List?
Using this database you can find basic information regarding each known or suspected landfill in New Jersey, such as the Landfill Name, Street Address, Municipality, County, and Block & Lot #’s, if available. Other available data fields are defined below:
Solid Waste ID - This is a 5 digit alpha/numeric combination that was assigned to each solid waste facility by the Department. This was the original identifier used by the former Division of Solid Waste Management. It consists of the two digit County Code and the two digit Municipality Code followed by a letter. The Department stopped issuing SW IDs in the early 1990’s.
New Solid Waste ID – This is a 10 digit number issued by the Department that replaced the original Solid Waste ID. It consists of the two digit County Code and the two digit Municipality Code followed by 6 numerical characters. The Department stopped issuing New SW IDs in 2003.
CSL ID (or Comprehensive Site List ID) – This is an ID previously assigned by the Department’s Site Remediation Program. A 12-digit alpha/numeric designation starting with "NJ" used as a unique site identifier. If a valid United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identification number had been assigned to the site from a federally mandated program such as the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, a.k.a. known as Superfund) or the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program, it is used as the identification number.
Solid Waste PI # (Preferred ID #) – This is a 6 digit number generated by the Department’s New Jersey Environmental Management System. It is the identification number currently used by the Department’s Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste as a unique identifier for Solid Waste Facilities.
Owner/Operator Type – Identifies the type of owner/operator of the landfill:
Commercial/Sole Source – Identifies whether the operation of the landfill was for Commercial purposes (C) or for on-site or intra-company generated waste (S).
Operating Status – Identifies the current status of the landfill with regard to acceptance of waste. “Open” refers to landfills currently authorized to dispose of waste. “Not Open” refers to landfills that are not currently authorized to dispose of waste. “Removed” refers to landfills where all known waste has been excavated and removed from the site.
Properly Closed – Identifies whether or not a landfill has been verified as properly closed in accordance with the Solid Waste Regulations by the Department’s Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste (True or False). Those landfills where all known waste has been removed have also been marked as properly closed.
Date Ceased Operating – The year that the landfill stopped receiving waste for disposal.
Acreage – The size of the landfill in acres.
Waste Types – Identifies the solid waste types (by ID #) that the landfill accepted for disposal. To view definitions of the types of solid waste by ID # see
National Priorities List – An indication of whether or not the site is on the National Priorities List under the USEPA’s Superfund Program. For information about Superfund and the NPL see
Pinelands – If the landfill is located in the Pinelands Preservation or Protection Area, this field identifies the associated Pinelands Management Area:
APA=Agricultural Production Area
FA=Forest Area
MF=Military & Federal Installation Area
PA=Preservation Area
PT=Pinelands Town
PV=Pinelands Village
RGA=Regional Growth Area
RDA=Rural Development Area
SAPA=Special Agricultural Production Area
Yes=In Pinelands, but Management Area unavailable
Watershed – Identifies the Watershed the landfill is located in by Watershed Number. See to view a map of each numbered watershed.
NJPDES # - The New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System – Discharge to Ground Water Permit Number associated with the landfill.
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