Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak, to ensure your exempt recycling activities notification is received and acknowledged in a timely manner, please do
the following: in addition to the submittal of physical copies of your notifications, please send a PDF/electronic readable copy of your notification to the DEP Exempt Email Inbox
(exemptrecycling@dep.nj.gov). We appreciate your time and consideration for this matter, please stay safe in this difficult time.
Note: this is provided that the recycling center subject to this notification has no other governing issues.
Number |
Form Name |
MS Word Format |
Adobe Format |
Excel or HTML Format |
A-901 |
A-901 forms are provided by the Division of Law Environmental Enforcement and can be accessed through the following link:
Solid Waste Utility Control Act Unit |
The Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) Annual Report forms and instructions that are managed by the
Solid Waste Utility Control Act Unit can be accessed through the following link: https://www.state.nj.us/dep/dshw/swpl/cpcn.html
Electronic Waste (E-Waste) |
E-Waste Semi-Annual Reporting Forms and additional information can be accessed through the following link:
Financial Management Unit |
Information and forms regarding Escrow and Financial Plan Review under the Financial Management Unit can be accessed
through the following link: https://www.nj.gov/dep/dshw/fm/escrow-review.html
Municipal Recycling Tonnage Grant and Reporting Forms |
Municipalities reporting their recycling tonnages and those seeking applications for recycling tonnage grants can access
the applicable forms at the following link: https://www.nj.gov/dep/dshw/resource/Tonnage/index.htm
District Solid Waste and Recycling Management Planning |
The Bureau of Solid Waste Planning & Licensing information and resources can be accessed through the following link:
Beneficial Use Determination |
Application Form (Instructions included with Form) |
Approval Application Review Check List |
Exempt Recycling Centers |
Annual Report
Notification of Exempt Recycling Activities |
Notification of NJ Universal Waste Handler Activities |
Regulated Medical Waste |
Alternative Technology Review Form - For Regulated Medical Waste Management/System Equipment |
Requirements to Obtain Certificate of Authority to Operate for Use of an Approved Regulated Medical Waste Alternative Technology for Treatment |
Registration and Fee Submittal Form for Destination Facility /Intermediate Handler Form |
Commercial Collection Facility Annual Report |
Intermediate Handler and Destination Facility Annual Report Form |
Generator Registration and Fee Submittal Form |
Annual Generator Report FAQs |
Transporter Annual Report (Important Notice) |
Solid Waste |
Customer Bill of Rights |
Permit Application Form |
Solid Waste Facility Monthly Disposal and Materials Recovery Report - for November 2021 and prior monthly reports |
Solid Waste Facility Monthly Tonnage Report Workbook Template and Instructions - for November 2021 reports and later |
Solid Waste Facility Monthly Tonnage Report DEP Online Upload Instructions - for November 2021 reports and later |
Transporter Monthly Disposal Report (Only for Waste Hauled Directly Out-of-State) - for November 2021 and prior monthly reports |
Transporter Monthly Tonnage Report Workbook Template and Instructions (Only for Waste Hauled Directly Out-of-State) - for November 2021 reports and later |
Transporter Monthly Tonnage Report DEP Online Upload Instructions - (Only for Waste Hauled Directly Out-of-State) - for November 2021 reports and later |
Intermodal Facility Quarterly Tonnage Report Workbook Template [xlsm] and DEP Online Upload Instructions [pdf] |
Waste Classification Request Form |
Daily Record of Wastes Received - N.J.A.C. 7:26-2.13 Form |
NJPDES - DGW Exceedance Report for Terminated Sanitary Landfills |
Compliance Assistance Guide - SW Transactions |
CPCN Application |
Report - NJDEP Approved Waste Brokers |
Report - Solid Waste Transporters (A-901 Approved) |
Report - Hazardous Waste Transporters (A-901 Approved) |
SW MW Municipal Collection Questionnaire |
Transfer Stations list |
Recycling Center Application Information |
Class "B" General Approval Technical Manual |
Class "B" Limited Approval Checklist |
Class "C" General Approval Technical Manual |
Class "D" Used Oil General Approval Technical Manual |
Class "D" Batteries, Thermostats, Lamps, Oil-Based Finishes, Mercury-Containing Devices, Consumer Electronics, Latex Paints and Antifreeze General Approval Technical Manual |
Universal Waste in NJ |
For multi-class facilities submit annual reporting forms for the respective classes. |
Recycling Center Reporting |
Instructions for Recycling Facility Forms (covers A, B, B&C, C, and D facilities)
Video Instructions for Recycling Facility Forms |
Video |
Class "A" Annual Report Form |
Class "B" Annual Report Form |
Class "C" Annual Report Form |
Class "D" Annual Report Form |
For multi-class facilities submit annual reporting forms for the respective classes. |
Temporary Debris Management Area (TDMA) |
Pre-Approval Request Form |
Transportation Oversight Unit (TOU) |
Waste Origin and Disposal Form NOTE: Setup printer for Landscape orientation before printing. |
10-day Transfer Area Form |
For additional information on Solid and Hazardous Waste Transporter Registration forms, FAQs, & DataMiner Reports visit: