Bureau of Pesticide Control: Licensing and Registrations
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EPA Issues Emergency Order to Stop Use of the Pesticide Dacthal
- EFFECTIVE AUGUST 7, 2024, DCPA (DACTHAL) may not be sold, distributed, or used in any manner.
- EPA is using its emergency suspension authority to stop the use of this pesticide to address serious health risk.
- DCPA is a pesticide registered to control weeds in both agricultural and non-agricultural settings.
- Additional information is available in the DCPA registration review docket EPA Finalizes Cancellation of the Pesticide Dacthal | US EPA
You are responsible for processing your $0.00 invoice online. Do not mail your invoice to the Department for processing. Failure to process the $0.00 fee will prevent a license from being created or mailed.
Online Payments and Reports
Use Online Reports for Pesticide License status reports, Product Registration information, Recertification Course offerings, and Invoices.
Use online payment links below to pay invoice fees:
Click the General Information link to access webpages specific to pesticide licenses, product registration, and recertification courses. Click the Pesticide Licensing Forms link to access the required forms for initial licensing and updating your license information.
Recertification Courses
All applicators are required to earn 8 Core credits and 16 credits per category by the end of their 5-year recertification period. Check your credits and look for courses using the links below.
Beekeeper Notification and Registration
Check the list below before your next pesticide application to identify nearby bee yards. For more information about Beekeeper Notification see N.J.A.C. 7:30-9.11.
Product Registration
ALERT: Until the data is corrected, the “restricted use” status of pesticides in New Jersey in the neonicotinoid class of chemicals may not be accurate within this database. Pesticides with outdoor uses of the following active ingredients are State Restricted in New Jersey by law: acetamiprid, clothianidin, dinotefuran, flonicamid, imidacloprid, nitenpyram, nithiazine, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxam. For questions about the restricted status of a particular pesticide in New Jersey, please call the Bureau of Pesticide Control at (609) 984-6568.
Use the links below to answer questions about pesticide product registration and renewal. The Application for the Initial Registration of a Pesticide Product is now a webform (click first link below) and replaces forms VPX-014A & VPX-014B. ALSTAR system subscribers do not have to submit the initial product registrations by using this webform.
Click the link below to access information and application materials for Aquatic and Mosquito/Fly permits.
Exams and Training Classes
All exams are offered through Rutgers University. Access the Pesticide Applicator Certification Exam Registration (PACER) portal at pacer.rutgers.edu
What We Do
The Licensing and Registrations section of the Bureau of Pesticide Control performs the required administrative process functions to meet the licensing and/or certification program demands:
- Reviews and processes applications
- Issues certifications, licenses, permits and registrations
- Tracks individual continuing education credits
- Performs customer assistance, educational outreach, and training
- Provides automated online reports and payment procedures