Specific WPS requirements for New Jersey are
described in Subchapter
12 of the NJ Pesticide Control Regulations.
Trainer Information
Before training workers or handlers, you
must first be recognized as a trainer. To qualify for trainer
recognition, you must meet one of the following criteria:
be a licensed pesticide applicator; be currently qualified
as a trainer by the EPA in another jurisdiction recognized by New Jersey;
or have completed an approved train-the-trainer program.
The Application
for Worker Protection Trainer Recognition/Agreement must be filled out, signed, and returned to this office in
order for you to receive a trainer certificate. This must
be done prior to conducting training in New Jersey.. The WPS Unit can also provide information for ordering training materials
and supplies upon request.
Training rosters, which must be completed
with information from training sessions, and submitted to
this office, can be downloaded here:
WPS Educational Pamphlets and Fact Sheets
Regulations require agricultural employers
to distribute educational pamphlets to their workers and handlers
as part of new employee orientation and as part of the annual
"refresher" training if the employee no longer has
a copy.
Yourself from Pesticides (English version)
Regulations also require agricultural employers
to keep pesticide Fact Sheets on file, and provide them to
workers and handlers upon request. The following Fact Sheets
(English version) can be downloaded and kept on file for distribution:
These materials are being distributed during inspections,
at training sessions, and by calling the WPS Unit. Some of these
materials are available in the following languages: Spanish,
Chinese, Italian, Korean, Laotian, Vietnamese, Cambodian,
Haitian, and Tagalog. These other languages will be available
for downloading at this site in the future. In the meantime,
to request any or all of these, call the PCP at (609) 984-6568,
and indicate the number of copies you wish to receive.