Farrington Lake (Middlesex Co.), Shadow Lake (Monmouth Co.) and Lake Takanassee (Monmouth Co.) have been dropped from the trout stocking program as a result of changes in the 2014 Fish Code. Note that Farrington Lake was stocked in 2014 as part of the modified schedule.
3/31/15 - The road through Ken Lockwood Gorge (Hunterdon Co.) is closed into the gorge due to icy road conditions. Parking will be very limited at the upstream end.
3/20/15 - Hamilton Fire Pond (Monmouth Co.) - Removed From Program - Hamilton Fire Pond is a privately owned pond in Monmouth County. The property owners allowed public fishing in the pond for years, but have decided to not allow fishing any longer. Therefore, Hamilton Fire Pond has been dropped from the 2015 Trout Stocking Program.
3/20/15 - Hooks Creek Lake (Middlesex Co.) - Suspended - Storm surge from Superstorm Sandy pushed saltwater from the Atlantic Ocean into the lake resulting in unsuitable salinity levels for trout and other freshwater fish species. Trout stocking for 2015 is again suspended as salinity levels in the lake are still too high for trout.
Any deviations from the stocking schedule will be noted here and on the Trout Hotline (609-633-6765).