Land Use Codes

Land Use 2012

Code List




The Anderson Classification System:


The Anderson et al. 1976 classification system is a hierarchical system based on four digits. The four digits represent one to four levels of classification: Level I, general, Level II descriptive, Level III, detailed, and Level IV, most detailed. Therefore the first digit in the code is the Level I general classification. The first two digits reveal the Level II descriptive code, the first three digits a more detailed description, while all four digits represent the most detailed level of classification. The layer is generally a Level II - III classification but some level IV detail is included.


For example the code 4311 represents:

43--Forestland, MixedDeciduous/Coniferous
431-Forestland, Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous, Coniferous Prevalent (>50% Coniferous)
4311 Forestland, Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous, Coniferous Prevalent (>50% Coniferous), 10% - 50% Crown Closure

The following is the code list of the Anderson Classification System modified by the NJ DEP for its land use/land cover data layers. This version contains only codes adopted for the 2012 update in addition to codes used in previous versions.

The baseline LU/LC layer of 1986 was originally compiled using a modified Anderson classification at level II with some level III detail.  For the 1995/97 LU/LC project, III and IV level detail was added to the 1100 and 4000 land use categories. For the 2002 LU/LC project, III and IV level detail was added to the 1000, 4000 and 6000 land use categories.  For specific details and descriptions regarding these classes, please refer to ANDERSON2002.doc. 


Note that some land use codes and labels will appear only in the 1986 attribute fields. These codes are identified by a single asterisk (*) in the list below. These codes were general land use categories that were broken down into more detailed levels for the update.  However, where a polygon completely changed from one land use category to another, the detailed code could not be retroactively applied to the 1986 category.  There are also several codes that appear only in the 1995 attribute fields, since these categories were not applicable to the 1986 data.  These codes are indicated by a double asterisk (**) in the list below. For 2002 there are several codes added and will appear only in the 2002 attribute fields.  These categories were not applicable to the 1986 or the 1995/97 data.  These codes are indicated by a triple asterisk (***) in the list below.  In some cases, however, the codes developed for 2002 were used to replace or correct a coded value in the "lu95" attribute field in order to prevent misleading land use change detection.  All other codes may appear in either the 1986 data or the 1995/97 data.  Codes introduced into the 2007 update are indicated with (^).  The two codes introduced in 2012 are indicated with (^^).


Notation of codes:

(*)= 1986 only
(**)= 1995/97 update
(***)= 2002 update
(^) = 2007 update
(^^) = 2012 update



1100*    Residential

1110     Residential (High Density or Multiple Dwelling)

1120     Residential (Single Unit, Medium Density)

1130     Residential (Single Unit, Low Density)

1140     Residential (Rural, Single Unit)

1150     Mixed Residential


1200     Commercial and Services

1211     Military Installations

1214 ** Former Military; Indeterminate Use


1300     Industrial


1400     Transportation/Communication/Utilities

1410***  Major Roadway

1411^     Mixed transportation Corridor Overlap Areas

1419***  Bridge Over Water                                                                   (WATER)

1420^     Railroad Facilities


1440***   Airport Facilities           

1461       Wetland Rights-of-Way                                                                  (WETLANDS)

1462***   Upland Rights-of-Way, Developed

1463***   Upland Rights-of-Way, Undeveloped

1499***   Stormwater Basin


1500     Industrial and Commercial Complexes


1600     Mixed Urban or Built-up Land


1700     Other Urban or Built-up Land

1710***   Cemetery

1711***   Cemetery on Wetland                                                                    (WETLANDS)

1741***   Phragmites Dominate Urban Area


1750       Managed Wetland, in Maintained Lawn Green space                   (WETLANDS)


1800     Recreational Land

1804       Athletic Fields (Schools)

1810***   Stadium, Theaters, Cultural Centers, and Zoos


1850       Managed Wetland, in Built-up Maintained Rec Area                     (WETLANDS)




2100     Cropland and Pastureland

2140       Agricultural Wetlands (Cranberry Farms & Modified Uplands)      (WETLANDS)


2150 **   Former Agricultural Wetlands (Becoming Shrubby not Built-up)   (WETLANDS)


2200     Orchards, Vineyards, Nurseries, Horticultural Areas, Sod Farms


2300     Confined Feeding Operations


2400     Other Agriculture


3000 Series Omitted in New Jersey




4100*    Deciduous Forest

4110     Deciduous Forest (10-50% Crown Closure)

4120     Deciduous Forest (>50% Crown Closure)


4200*    Coniferous Forest

4210     Coniferous Forest (10-50% Crown Closure)

4220     Coniferous Forest (>50% Crown Closure)

4230     Plantation


4300*    Mixed Forest

4311     Mixed Forest (>50% Coniferous with 10-50% Crown Closure)

4312     Mixed Forest (>50% Coniferous with >50% Crown Closure)


4321     Mixed Forest (>50% Deciduous with 10-50% Crown Closure)

4322     Mixed Forest (>50% Deciduous with >50% Crown Closure)


4400*    Brushland/Shrubland

4410     Old Field (< 25% Brush Covered)

4411*** Phragmites Dominate Old Field


4420     Deciduous Brush/Shrubland

4430     Coniferous Brush/Shrubland

4440     Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous Brush/Shrubland


4500**  Severe Burned Upland Vegetation




5100     Streams and Canals

5190^   Exposed Flats


5200     Natural Lakes


5300     Artificial Lakes


5400     Bays, Estuaries & other Tidal Waters

5410     Tidal Rivers, Inland Bays and other Tidal Waters

5411     Open Tidal Bays

5412^^  Tidal Mud Flats


5420     Dredged Lagoon

5430     Atlantic Ocean




6100     Coastal Wetlands

6110        Saline Marshes

6111*** Saline Marshes (Low marsh vegetation)

6112*** Saline Marshes (High marsh vegetation)


6120     Freshwater Tidal Marshes

6130        Vegetated Dune Communities

6141*** Phragmites Dominate Coastal Wetlands


6200     Interior Wetlands

6210     Deciduous Wooded Wetlands

6220     Coniferous Wooded Wetlands

6221     Atlantic White Cedar Wetlands


6230     Brush-Dominate and Bog Wetlands

6231     Deciduous Scrub/Shrub Wetlands

6232     Coniferous Scrub/Shrub Wetlands

6233     Mixed Scrub/Shrub Wetlands (Deciduous Dom.)

6234     Mixed Scrub/Shrub Wetlands (Coniferous Dom.)


6240     Herbaceous Wetlands

6241*** Phragmites Dominate Interior Wetlands


6250     Mixed Wooded Wetlands

6251     Mixed Forested Wetlands (Deciduous Dom.)

6252     Mixed Forested Wetlands (Coniferous Dom.)


6290^   Unvegetated Flats


6500**   Severe Burned Wetlands




7100     Beaches


7200     Bare Exposed Rock, Rockslides, etc.


7300     Extractive Mining


7400     Altered Lands

7430     Disturbed Wetlands (Modified)             (WETLANDS)

7440^^  Disturbed Tidal Wetlands                     (WETLANDS)


7500     Transitional Areas (sites under construction)


7600     Undifferentiated Barren Lands




8000 *    Managed Wetlands (Modified)                         (WETLANDS)