The following listings of Cultural Resource Surveys cataloged in the Historic Preservation Office’s (HPO) Report Library represent a wide variety of architectural and archaeological investigation and documentation. These reports were compiled through numerous programs administered by HPO, and have been accessioned into the collection for use by HPO staff, agencies, consultants and the public.
Bibliographic listings are provided for each County and organized alphabetically by Municipality and Shelf Code. Surveys often cross municipal and county boundaries; accordingly there is an entry for each municipality in which the study occurred.
Each bibliographic record contains the following:
- Shelf Code: Concatenated field consisting of a county code, agency code, and accession number
- Year: Publication date
- ID: Report database ID number
- NJEMS: NJEMS Project ID number
- Title: Report name
- Preparer: Firm or individual name
- Report Type: Designation of the type of study conducted
- Location: Collection or repository where the physical volume resides.
Unless otherwise indicated, reports in the collection are on file at HPO and available for inspection by appointment.