NJ HAB Response Strategy Document
Bureau of Freshwater & Biological Monitoring
The DEP HAB Interactive Map Reporting and Communication System is used to gather initial information such as: location coordinates, photos, known recreational activities, and extent of the waterbody. This information will be used to inform DEP to initiate appropriate response actions. Once the DEP completes the investigation of the suspected HAB, results and any recommendations for public Alerts will be communicated through the HAB System.
2023 HAB Events
Click the button below to access the interactive map in the HABs System. All Alert information and HAB data will be accessible by clicking each point on the interactive map.
The map reflects sampling results for suspected or confirmed HAB events reported to DEP; there may be other HABs occurring in NJ not shown here. HABs previously confirmed at a waterbody during the recreational season may persist or reoccur during the winter and caution should be taken. If you see a suspected HAB, avoid it & report it. In the case of a suspected bloom, people, pets and livestock should avoid contact with discolored water or water that has algae scums on the surface. Do not drink or consume the water. Do not eat fish from the waterbody. If there is contact with the water, rinse off as soon as possible with fresh water and seek medical or veterinary assistance if people or animals are experiencing adverse health effects after being exposed to a bloom.
To review HAB events from 2020 and afterwards, click on the "Data Download" link at the bottm of the HAB Events Map. To see older data from the 2017, 2018, or 2019 HAB seasons, click on the Historic HAB Events link on the left side of this page.