Bureau of Freshwater & Biological Monitoring Report a HAB
Bureau of Freshwater & Biological Monitoring
Mail Code 35-01
P.O. Box 420
35 Arctic Parkway
Trenton, NJ 08625-0427
Phone: (609) 292-0427
FAX: (609) 633-1095
Photo Credit: NJDEP
BFBM Data Inventory - try out the initial version of BFBM's new Data Inventory! If you have any feedback on this interactive mapping application, please email leigh.lager@dep.nj.gov.
To access the Inventory, please click on the link above or the map on the left.
The Bureau of Freshwater and Biological Monitoring is responsible for numerous multi-year monitoring programs mandated by the Clean Water Act, some of which have served as prototypes for the nation. Water quality monitoring projects emphasize watershed monitoring and frequently combine biological and chemical / physical monitoring to assess the success of State and Federal Clean Water Programs. The sampling stations include surface water as well as groundwater monitoring. A wide range of parameters are collected including, chemical / physical (nutrients, metals, discharge, etc.), biological and microbiological.
Details of each program and analyses / assessments performed can be found at the links below.
Chemical/Physical Monitoring
- Rivers and Streams: Operation of the Rivers and Streams Chemical/Physical Monitoring Program which is responsible for statewide chemical/physical monitoring and discharge measurement projects in freshwater rivers and streams.
- Lakes: Administration of the NJDEP Lake Monitoring Network (includes biological component - chlorophyll ?a?, and monitoring of Harmful Algae Blooms and cyantoxins).
- Groundwater Quality Monitoring: Statewide chemical/physical monitoring of 150 shallow groundwater wells.
- Click here to watch a short Rivers and Streams Sampling Video.
Biological Monitoring
Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)
- Sampling and laboratory analysis for cyanobacterial HABs in lakes, rivers and streams.
- Summer Bacteriological Program: The Summer Ambient Surface Water Bacteriological Monitoring Program samples between the months of May and September, (5 times within 30 days) with sampling support from county health departments and through DEP’s County Environmental Health Act (CEHA) Program to assess primary contact recreation criteria using E. Coli.
Freshwater laboratory services
- BFBM has onsite lab facilities which perform macroinvertebrate, fish and salamander identification, and chlorophyll a. Additionally, laboratory analyses are also performed for Harmful Algal Bloom cyanobacteria identification, cell counts and cyanotoxins.