NJ HAB Response Strategy Document
Bureau of Freshwater & Biological Monitoring
BFBM has various CyanoHAB monitoring and analysis capabilities, which are listed below. These capabilities allow NJDEP to confirm the presence of cyanobacteria and concentrations of toxins to provide accurate guidance on providing recreational action levels and health advisory guidance levels for analytical results.
Possible Field Screening
- Visual Assessment
- Field Fluorometer for measuring Phycocyanin pigment (unique to cyanobacteria)
Cyanotoxin Analytical Capability
- Microcystins (approx. 65 variants)
- Method – ELISA (EPA Method 546)
- Detection limit = 0.10 µg/L
- Reporting level = 0.15 µg/L
- Cylindrospermopsin
- Method - ELISA
- Detection limit = 0.040 µg/L
- Reporting level = 0.05 µg/L
- Anatoxin-a
- Method – ELISA
- Detection limit = 0.10 µg/L
- Reporting level = 0.15 µg/L
- Saxitoxin
- Method – ELISA
- Detection limit = 0.015 µg/L
- Reporting level = 0.02 µg/L
Cyanotoxin Analysis Photo Credit: NJDEP
Other BFBM Laboratory Capability
- Cyanobacteria taxa identification
- Cyanobacterial cell counts
- Chlorophyll “a” analysis