Professional Learning
Highly effective teachers are the most influential in-school variable contributing to increased student achievement. Teacher professional learning is an essential component of any school’s improvement path, and summer learning is no exception. All educators need time to collaborate and adjust instructional plans as they learn to teach. As you plan to provide educator professional learning, consider the following guiding questions.
- Given the time and capacity constraints for summer educators, how will your district prioritize professional learning to focus on the most essential teacher skills or strategies? (P,T)
- How will the teacher workday reflect the district’s commitment to collaborative learning and coaching? (P)
- How will you prepare educators to elevate student interest and engagement in instructional tasks (though not at the expense of essential learning outcomes)? (P,T)
- What funding sources will be utilized to provide teachers and school leaders with professional growth and development opportunities including, but not limited to ARP ESSER and other federal funds? (P)
- How will the educator professional learning for summer programming align with the strategic plan and vision for the district moving into the 2022-2023 school year? (P,T,R)
- How will you measure the efficacy of professional learning and growth opportunities? (A,R)