New Jersey . . . Business Action Center provides extensive information about starting or expanding a business in New Jersey.
Starting a Business takes you through the major requirements of starting a business, including registering your business.
New Jersey . . . Taking Care of Business's tax page allows you to view and compare various state taxes as well as compare New Jersey taxes to those of other states. You call also call the Taxation Customer Service Center at (609) 292-6400 or (800) 323-4400 for the automated system.
Dissolving a Business provides information on shutting down many different kinds of businesses. It also provides phone numbers where you can address specific questions.
New Jersey . . . Taking Care of Business's page about corporations provides information about many types of corporations.
Permits, Licenses, and Certifications provides information on the permits, licenses, and certifications required by the state of New Jersey. The NJ Commerce & Economic Growth Commission's Licenses and Certifications Hotline 609-777-2642 or, toll-free, 1-800-533-0186 also provides information.