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More New Jersey Leaders Applaud Governor Murphy’s Nomination of Rachel Wainer Apter to the New Jersey Supreme Court


"I am pleased to see Governor Murphy's selection of Rachel Wainer Apter as a nominee for the New Jersey Supreme Court," said Senator Patrick Diegnan. "Her qualifications are second to none and I am certain that she will prove to be yet another important voice on the Court. Rachel has continually impressed in her current role as Director of the Division of Civil Rights, including her fight against anti-semitism and other forms of discrimination. I look forward to voting for her."

“Congratulations to Rachel Wainer Apter on her nomination to the New Jersey Supreme Court,” said Senator Nia Gill. “In the words of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, ‘women belong in all the places where decisions are being made.’”

"I am happy to see Governor Murphy's nomination of Rachel Wainer Apter to the New Jersey Supreme Court," said Senator Linda Greenstein. "Rachel's testimony before the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee on the Law Against Discrimination and combating hate crimes highlighted to me that she is a deeply caring, thoughtful, and inclusive individual. I believe she will be an important addition to the Court and that her extensive experience as Director of the Division for Civil Rights and her time clerking with the federal judiciary including the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg qualifies her well for this seat."

“Throughout her career, Rachel Wainer Apter has been a strong defender of civil rights and equality for all, with a passion and commitment to root out hate, bias, and discrimination from our state and nation. I appreciate Ms. Wainer Apter’s history of protecting the rights of immigrants, especially our dreamers, and working to create a more just and humane immigration system,” said U.S. Senator Bob Menendez. “From her work in strengthening New Jersey’s anti-sexual harassment laws, to leading critical initiatives that address anti-black racism and anti-Semitism, and defending voting rights and same-sex marriage – it’s without a doubt that Ms. Wainer Apter has the qualifications, experience, and dedication needed to sit on our state’s highest court. This is a great nomination by Governor Murphy and an even better way to continue Justice Ginsburg’s New Jersey legacy.”

“Rachel Wainer Apter will be an excellent jurist on New Jersey’s highest court,” said Congressman Bill Pascrell. “She recognizes the need for courts to protect our most vulnerable and not just the powerful. This is an inspired pick by Governor Murphy and an honor for Englewood and the Ninth District.”

“Congratulations to Rachel Wainer Apter on being nominated for the New Jersey Supreme Court,” said Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin. “Governor Murphy has chosen someone whose background in civil rights advocacy would be beneficial for this role.”

“For the last four years, as the Trump Administration sowed divisiveness and civil discord, Rachel Wainer Apter stood out as a strong voice for fairness and equality for all,” said Assembly Majority Leader Louis Greenwald. “As Director of the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights, Ms. Wainer Apter worked tirelessly to battle against all forms of bigotry and hatred and I am confident she will continue to be a staunch advocate for all of New Jersey’s nine million residents. I applaud Governor Murphy for nominating Director Wainer Apter who will be an excellent addition to our State’s highest court.”  

“As Director of the Division on Civil Rights, Rachel Wainer Apter has been at the forefront of combating hate crime and injustice in New Jersey,” said Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle. “I have been honored to work alongside Rachel on these important issues and I am confident that she will continue to serve as a leader for justice as an Associate Justice on the New Jersey Supreme Court.”

“When we look for diversity in our judicial system, we do not just look for diversity in race or gender, but for diversity in experience and perspective,” said Assemblyman Gordon Johnson. “This is a great choice by Governor Murphy and a proud day for both my hometown of Englewood and all of New Jersey.”

“Director Rachel Wainer Apter is an excellent choice for the state Supreme Court, and would bring a more proactive and thorough perspective on civil rights. With her history at the ACLU and the NJ Division of Civil Rights (DCR) as a fierce defender for victims of discrimination, her presence on the Court would ensure the voices of the marginalized and disadvantaged are heard,” said New Jersey Citizen Action Executive Director Phyllis Salowe-Kaye. “At the DCR, on top of pursuing individual incidents of discrimination, Director Wainer Apter worked in conjunction with the Attorney General’s Affirmative Civil Rights and Labor Enforcement to initiate investigations into patterns of discriminatory behavior. She was counsel to AG Grewal in some of the most impactful litigation defending immigrants against Trump Administration policies, including threatening the DACA program and adding citizenship to census questions. She has led the way in NJ informing women of their rights and the tools they have to defend themselves – she has a comprehensive view of what women need and how the law can help them.  As a Qualified Fair Housing Organization, NJCA sees every day how discrimination is still harming people of color, women, seniors, immigrants, and working families. It is vital to have jurists on the Court who are not only legal experts but are also knowledgeable about the current environment of discrimination in NJ, such as Wainer Apter. We applaud Governor Murphy’s nomination and urge the Senate to confirm her swiftly.”

“NJPP applauds the appointment of Rachel Wainer Apter to the New Jersey Supreme Court, where she’ll bring her incredible track record of success and commitment to issues of equity and justice,” said New Jersey Policy Perspective President Brandon McKoy. “Having clerked for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Ms. Wainer Apter will surely advance her tremendous legacy with professionalism and poise. New Jersey’s judicial system is without a doubt much stronger today thanks to this strong choice.”

“We are proud to count Rachel Wainer Apter among the alums of our post-college social justice fellowship program and to have been an early part of her career that has been dedicated to the pursuit of justice,” said Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism Director Barbara Weinstein.