The New Jersey State Cancer Registry (NJSCR) is currently capable of accepting data for Cancer Data reporting. EP’s are encouraged to register and start working with the registry to send test and production Meaningful Use (Promoting Interoperability) files.
The NJSCR is a population-based registry that collects data on all cancer cases diagnosed and/or treated in New Jersey since October 1, 1978. The NJSCR serves the entire state of New Jersey.
Note: All providers, including hospitals and physicians, regardless of Meaningful Use, are required to report cancers to the NJSCR within 6 months of diagnosis as specified in N.J.A.C. 8:57A. Providers who do not diagnose or treat cancer, and are not required to report diseases and conditions to the NJ State Cancer Registry per N.J.A.C. 8:57A, should not register for MU2 reporting on this site. NJDOH does not provide any additional documentation for attestation or exclusions/exemptions.