New Jersey Department of Health

PO Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625-0360

For Release:
February 21, 2023

Judith M. Persichilli

For Further Information Contact:
Office of Communications
(609) 984-7160

New Jersey Department of Health Proposes Amendments at N.J.A.C. 8:111-1.3 and 1.4, the Standards for Licensure of Substance Use Disorders Treatment Facilities

The New Jersey Department of Health (Department), with the approval of the Health Care Administration Board, today proposes amendments to the Standards for Licensure of Substance Use Disorders Treatment Facilities.

The proposed amendments would recognize a physician who obtains American Osteopathic Association (AOA) certification in addiction medicine as qualified to serve as a medical director at a substance use disorders treatment facility.  This recognition would put an AOA-certified osteopathic physician on par with a physician who obtains a comparable American Medical Association credential, whom the existing rule recognizes as qualified to serve as medical director.  The Department also proposes amendments to the experiential requirements applicable to all physicians who want to serve as medical directors of substance use disorders treatment facilities.

The issuance of the notice of proposal fulfills the Department’s rulemaking obligation with respect to the AOA’s petition for rulemaking, which the Department granted on November 7, 2022.  See 54 N.J.R. 1857(b) and 2111(a).

The notice of proposal appears in the February 21, 2023, issue of the New Jersey Register.  Persons wishing to comment on the proposal must submit written comments either: (1) electronically on or before April 22, 2023 at, or (2) by regular mail postmarked on or before April 22, 2023 to Joy L. Lindo, Director, Office of Legal and Regulatory Compliance, New Jersey Department of Health, PO Box 360, Trenton, NJ 08625-0360.

LexisNexis® provides free online access to the New Jersey Register at  An unofficial copy of the notice of proposal is available from the Department’s website at
