Information for Employers

Recruitment and Selection Guide for Employers


photo of employee talking to an employer

Selection Process

  • Use open-ended interview questions to learn about the candidate and situational scenarios that ask the candidate to describe how they would handle a specific situation that may occur while performing the job. This will help you better understand the skills and attributes of the candidate and if they'd be a good fit.
  • Share a Realistic Job Preview with potential candidates to give them asense of the day-to-day activities of a DSP.
  • Involve people with disabilities using supports in the interview process to offer their perspective and ask questions.

Attention Home Care Agencies!

Are you looking to expand your business and make a difference in your community? If so, the Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University wants to partner with you!

The Heldrich Center is seeking CHHA employers that offer CHHA training approved by the New Jersey Board of Nursing. By partnering with them, you will have the opportunity to participate in three pilot programs and make a tangible impact through a mentorship program.

Take advantage of this opportunity to grow your business and give back to your community. Apply to become a program partner and receive funding to help recruit and support CHHAs through your agency. Interested organizations should be dedicated to ensuring the work readiness of potential employees.

What Does It Mean To Be a CHHA Project Program Partner?

To become a CHHA project program partner, your organization must provide CHHA training and offer a promise of employment for participants upon completion. Program partners will receive funds to offset training costs and must make upfront direct payments to participants, which will be fully reimbursed.

Additionally, partners participating in the mentorship program will be required to make incentive payments to selected mentors and mentees, which will also be reimbursed.

Visit the NJ Certified Home Health Aide Career website to learn more about how to participate, and to view a partner application form and FAQ.