Cuban and Haitian Parolees
Who are Cuban and Haitian Parolees?
Cuban and Haitian parolees arriving in New Jersey may have entered through one of two different parole programs.
- Cuban and Haitian Entrants
Cubans and Haitians who have a current or expired parole, who are in pending removal proceedings, or who have a pending application for asylum are Cuban and Haitian Entrants and thus are eligible for benefits and services funded through the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and provided by local agencies. Cuban and Haitian entrants are not eligible for employment authorization. For more information, please visit - Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan (CHNV) Supporter-Based Parole
Cubans and Haitians who are beneficiaries of the Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan and Venezuelan (CHNV) supporter-based parolehave arrived through a sponsorship program established by the Department of Homeland Security and are eligible for benefits and services funded through the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and provided by local agencies. They can also apply for employment authorization and a Social Security card. For more information visit
International Rescue Committee 208 Commerce Place Counties served by program: RCA, R&P, RSS in Hunterdon, Somerset, Union To schedule an appointment to be verified for program eligibility, clients can either come to the office, M-F, 9-5, at 208 Commerce Place, 4th Floor, in Elizabeth. Or for a screening in Spanish (or English), text 908-926-8529. For Haitian Creole (or English), text 908-516-0343. Detailed instructions (in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole) for all new clients.
591 Summit Ave Counties served by program: R&P, RSS in Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, RCA in Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Atlantic, Burlington, Ocean, Gloucester, Salem, Cape May, Cumberland, Camden
Highland Park Location: 19 S 2nd Ave, Highland Park, NJ 08904 Vineland Location: 2384 E. Landis Ave, Vineland, NJ 08361 732-357-0590 Counties served by program: R&P, RSS in Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Atlantic, Burlington, Ocean, Gloucester, Salem, Cape May, Cumberland, Camden
Jewish Vocational Service of Metro west 7 Glenwood Ave, LL Counties Served by program: RSS in Essex, Morris, Warren, Sussex
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Newark 47-71 Miller Street Counties Served by program: RCA in Essex, Morris, Warren, RSS in Essex, Morris, Warren, Sussex
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Camden 1845 Haddon Ave. Counties Served by program: R&P Camden, Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland, Atlantic, Cape May
Greater Bergen Community Action 235 Main Street, 3rd Floor Counties Served by program: RCA in Bergen, Sussex