State of New Jersey
Executive Order #114

Governor James J. Florio

WHEREAS, in 1985, the New Jersey Legislature enacted the State Planning Act (N.J.S.A. 52:18A-196 et seq.) calling for the creation of a State Development and Redevelopment Plan (State Plan) to be used as a tool for assessing suitable locations for infrastructure, housing, economic growth and conservation to bring about rational, managed growth and development in all regions of the State; and

WHEREAS, the State Plan was adopted by the State Planning Commission in June 1992, after five years of discussion and negotiation with the citizens of New Jersey in a widely regarded "cross-acceptance" process and, while the State Plan is not regulatory, it does provide necessary guidance for responsible stewardship of the State's natural resources and open space; and

WHEREAS, in adopting the State Planning Act, the Legislature declared that the State requires sound and integrated statewide planning to conserve its natural resources, revitalize its urban centers, protect the quality of its environment and provide affordable housing and adequate public services at reasonable cost while promoting beneficial economic growth, development and renewal; and

WHEREAS, the State Planning Act recognizes that the historic haphazard patterns of growth have threatened the quality of life in New Jersey and have failed to provide for the revitalization of our urban centers, sufficient affordable housing stock, or adequate conservation of natural resources, and therefore, requires the adoption of a coordinated, integrated and comprehensive plan for growth, development, renewal and conservation of all regions of the State and identifies areas for growth, agriculture, open space, and other appropriate designations; and

WHEREAS the State Plan provides a framework for streamlining permitting procedures and cost savings for the mutual benefit of the public and private sectors; and

WHEREAS, the State Plan is based upon an economic impact assessment which estimates that full implementation can save taxpayers $1.3 billion in capital infrastructure costs over 20 years and up to $400 million annually in operating costs statewide; and

WHEREAS, the State Planning Commission has entered Memoranda of Understanding with the Capital Budgeting and Planning Commission, the Council on Affordable Housing, the Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, the Department of Transportation and New Jersey Transit, establishing successful cooperative relationships directed toward reaching the goals of the State Plan; and

WHEREAS, success in achieving the rational development goals of the State Planning Act, and the substantial cost savings which can be derived through full implementation of the State Plan, requires broad based acceptance and implementation of the State Plan's goals and mechanisms by all State agencies and departments, and coordinated planning among the State departments and agencies and local governments;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. FLORIO, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by the Statutes of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT:

1. All State Departments and agencies shall:

a. Adopt and incorporate as part of their agency programmatic mission, policies which comport with the State Plan and act in a coordinated fashion in investing resources at the State and local level in implementing the State Plan and achieving their programmatic missions.

b. In their joint endeavors to implement the State Plan together with the State Planning Commission, encourage growth and development and direct infrastructure to locations and in patterns recommended by the strategies and policies contained in the State Plan.

c. Adopt policies which facilitate the establishment of development "centers" and encourage development which is consistent with the policy objectives of "planning areas" which constitute the "resource and management structure" of the State Plan.

d. Participate and cooperate with the Office of State Planning in its review and assessment of the functional plans of the departments or agencies, including, but not limited to water supply, natural resources, air quality, energy, open space and historic conservation, affordable housing, transportation, airport systems and rail systems, and encourage interdepartmental and interagency participation on advisory bodies related to policy and plan development to assure coordination in the implementation of the State Plan.

e. Support the Office of State Planning in the fulfillment of its statutory responsibilities with respect to its planning activities, including but not limited to, the legislatively mandated infrastructure needs assessment, monitoring, and evaluation program.

f. Collaborate in data base development and the exchange of information among departments and agencies, and establish appropriate institutional mechanisms, including data compatibility, to assure that data base development and the exchange of information occurs.

g. Coordinate efforts with the Office of State Planning to assist municipalities in gaining designation of development "centers."

h. Coordinate efforts with the Office of State Planning to assist distressed cities in developing Strategic Revitalization Plans.

i. Report to the Governor and Office of State Planning on June 1, 1994, and every six months thereafter, on their efforts in furtherance of this Order.

2. All State agencies and departments are authorized and directed, to the extent not inconsistent with law, to cooperate with and provide support to the Office of State Planning and State Planning Commission and furnish them with such information, including statistical and planning data, and assistance necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Order.

3. This Order shall take effect immediately.

GIVEN, under my hand and seal this
11th day of January in the Year of Our
Lord, one thousand nine hundred and
ninety four, and of the Independence
of the United States, the two hundred
and eighteenth.

/s/ Jim Florio


Chief Counsel to the Governor