State of New Jersey
Executive Order #36

Governor James J. Florio

WHEREAS, printing and copying services are necessary for State government to provide services and information to the citizens of the State; and

WHEREAS, the Governor's Management and Review Commission has undertaken an operational review of State print shops and printing operations and has found that present decentralized management practices have led to: an excessive number of print shops and copy centers; little coordination among departments; inconsistency in job pricing, State forms, and standards of performance; and an underutilization of personnel and equipment; and

WHEREAS, the majority of the State's 14 main print shops are located within one square mile of each other and provide decentralized services with little coordination between departments and agencies; and

WHEREAS, this current decentralization is inconsistent with Executive Order No. 13, effective January 23, 1964, and still in force, which created the Central Duplicating and Printing Control Office to supervise, coordinate, and regulate all State printing; and

WHEREAS, the consolidation of print shops and centralized oversight of printing and photocopying operations will provide substantial savings and improve the efficiency of print shop and photocopying operations and the quality of those services.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. FLORIO, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and by the statutes of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT:

1. The Department of Treasury shall establish a Printing Control Office to supervise, coordinate and control all printing done by the State of New Jersey in the State's own facilities or for the State of New Jersey in privately owned and operated facilities;

2. The Printing Control Office shall exercise the following powers and duties that are consistent with the intentions and recommendations of the Governor's Management and Review Commission:

a. Consolidate State print shops and photocopying to improve or eliminate such facilities wherever possible to achieve maximum efficiency and economy;

b. Periodically review photocopier placement and use in all State agencies, and exchange or eliminate photocopiers wherever possible to achieve maximum efficiency and economy;

c. Annually review all print shops and photocopiers to assure that the most economical use is being made of State resources;

d. Determine which printing jobs are to be done in State print shops or photocopier centers and which are to be done by private vendors;

e. Review for approval all bid specifications for print jobs using current delegated purchasing authority procurement guidelines pursuant to P.L. 1985, c. 107, PC 23;

f. Review for approval all departmental and agency requests for equipment for duplicating, printing, photocopying and graphics;

g. Determine and control quality standards, performance measures, and pricing methodologies for all State print and photocopier shops;

h. Provide technical assistance and guidance to print shops and all State personnel involved in the procurement of printing services.

3. Each department, division, office or agency of the State is authorized and directed, to the extent not inconsistent with law, to cooperate with and assist the Department of Treasury by making available the necessary information, personnel and support required to carry out the designs of this Order.

4. This Order shall take effect immediately.

GIVEN, under my hand and seal this
17th day of July in the Year of Our
Lord, one thousand nine hundred and
ninety-one, and of the Independence
of the United States, the two hundred
and sixteenth.

/s/ James J. Florio


Elizabeth A. Ryan
Assistant Counsel to the Governor