WHEREAS, clean
and plentiful water is essential to the ecological, economic and
social well-being of New Jersey; and
Jersey's water resources provide drinking water for residents of
the State as well as habitat for numerous species of fish and wildlife;
Jersey's water resources have been impacted by the fact that the
State is both an industrial leader and the most densely populated
State in the nation, and that these impacts will only become more
acute as the population of the State grows by a projected 1 million
people over the next 20 years; and
the past three decades, New Jersey has experienced unprecedented
development and sprawl, which has resulted in decreases in open
lands, wetlands, farmland and other areas that previously served
a variety of beneficial environmental functions, including the protection
and restoration of the State's water resources; and which, if not
properly managed, pose a threat to the preservation and integrity
of the water resources of the State by both increasing the volume
of stormwater runoff that alters the stream hydrology and degrading
the water quality; and
WHEREAS, during
1999, New Jersey experienced significant drought and flood events
that caused severe personal and economic hardship to many residents
of the State which, to some degree, were exacerbated by the increasing
demands placed on the environment by the extent of development which
has occurred; and
is likely that the State's vulnerability to similar events in the
future will be increased unless development is properly managed;
use decisions should consider and minimize any water resource or
other environmental impacts and maximize the economic and social
benefits to the State, its municipalities and its residents; and
WHEREAS, sound
water resource management should include a holistic and comprehensive
analysis of water resource issues within the various watersheds
of the State, with the express purpose of restoration, maintenance
and preservation of the quality of the waters of the State; and
Jersey has determined to implement water resource planning on a
watershed basis; and
Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is authorized
to protect the waters of the State through statutory and regulatory
authority, including the Water Pollution Control Act, N.J.S.A. 58:10A-1
et seq., the Water Quality Planning Act, N.J.S.A. 58:11A-1 et seq.,
and the Water Supply Management Act, N.J.S.A. 58:1A-1 et seq., as
well as the Department's general powers, set forth at N.J.S.A. 13:1D-1
et seq., and regulations the Department has promulgated pursuant
to each of those statutes; and
Department may, under existing authority, require an alternatives
analysis, including an evaluation of critical economic, social,
environmental and institutional factors, before making a final decision
on an application for approval of a wastewater management plan or
an amendment thereto, and, where applicable and consistent with
its existing authority, an application for approval of a water quality
management plan or an amendment thereto; and
WHEREAS, there
is an immediate need to take strong, decisive action to conduct
water resource planning on a watershed basis to promote smart growth
in a manner that accounts for further secondary and cumulative impacts
of such growth.
I CHRISTINE TODD WHITMAN, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by
virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes
of this State, do hereby ORDER and DIRECT:
1. Until
such time that the Water Quality Management Planning rules, currently
set forth at N.J.A.C. 7:15, are repealed and replaced, the Department
of Environmental Protection shall determine, consistent with its
existing authority, including N.J.A.C. 7:15-5.18, what, if any,
alternatives analyses must be conducted prior to the Department's
making a final decision on an application for approval of a wastewater
management plan or amendment thereto and, where applicable and
consistent with its existing authority, an application for approval
of a water quality management plan or amendment thereto, including,
but not limited to, an evaluation of depletive and consumptive
water use, detailed land use, environmental build-out and pollutant
2. For any
pending applications as to which the Department has published
notice for public comment prior to the date of this Executive
Order, the Department shall require alternatives analyses only
in those cases in which it determines that a significant water
resource issue exists that must be addressed prior to the Department's
making a final decision on the application.
3. Within
120 days of this Executive Order, the Department shall meet with
each applicant who has submitted an application to determine whether
any alternatives analyses will be necessary for the Department
to render a final decision on the application, and, if so, what
those analyses will be.
4. The Department
shall issue a final decision within 120 days of the submission
of an application, once the Department deems the application complete.
5. This
Order shall take immediately.
under my hand and seal,
this 11th dayof January in the Year
of Our Lord, Two Thousand, and
of the Independence of the United
States, the Two Hundred and Twenty- Fourth.
Christine Todd Whitman
/s/ Richard
S. Mroz
Chief Counsel to the Governor