Estimates of Households and Housing Units: New Jersey, 1990 to 1998
Numeric Percent
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates 04/01/1990 change change
07/01/1998 07/01/1997 07/01/1996 07/01/1995 07/01/1994 07/01/1993 07/01/1992 07/01/1991 Census 1990-98 1990-98
Housing Units 3,236,773 3,211,626 3,193,864 3,177,599 3,148,827 3,130,054 3,117,818 3,105,987 3,075,310 161,463 5.3
Households 2,956,576 2,929,108 2,900,503 2,870,238 2,843,668 2,843,195 2,842,520 2,817,311 2,794,711 161,865 5.8
Households by Age of Householder
15 to 24 83,954 84,185 84,477 84,578 84,584 85,485 84,234 86,347 95,565 -11,611 -12.1
25 to 29 171,872 177,180 181,814 187,437 195,284 209,727 218,381 232,039 241,147 -69,275 -28.7
30 to 34 298,667 305,010 312,522 318,411 321,800 323,078 324,505 323,588 318,881 -20,214 -6.3
35 to 39 353,492 351,144 347,646 345,700 343,221 325,126 324,428 317,801 314,453 39,039 12.4
40 to 44 366,931 356,631 345,136 329,550 315,635 320,499 324,447 327,616 306,822 60,109 19.6
45 to 49 318,925 316,110 319,341 301,892 288,201 289,613 282,839 263,498 256,273 62,652 24.4
50 to 54 282,064 273,384 252,912 252,563 249,787 240,074 222,544 214,255 210,546 71,518 34.0
55 to 59 223,462 210,764 203,084 198,232 196,020 195,629 197,907 195,470 201,752 21,710 10.8
60 to 64 180,039 178,048 178,816 182,723 187,090 194,194 203,518 207,431 212,479 -32,440 -15.3
65 & over 677,170 676,652 674,755 669,152 662,046 659,770 659,717 649,266 636,793 40,377 6.3
Persons in
Households 7,943,410 7,886,420 7,835,941 7,789,797 7,743,469 7,704,352 7,654,717 7,611,264 7,558,820 384,590 5.1
Persons per
Household 2.69 2.69 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.71 2.69 2.70 2.70 -0.01 ---
Housing Unit (Census) - A housing unit is a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room that is occupied
(or if vacant, intended for occupancy) as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupants live and eat
separately from any other people in the building and which have direct access from the outside of the building or through a common hall.
Household - A household includes all people who occupy a housing unit. A household consists of a single family, one person living
alone, two or more families living together, or any other group of related or unrelated people who share living arrangements.
Householder - One person in each household is designated as the householder. In most cases, this is the person, or one of the
people, in whose name the home is owned, being bought, or rented. If there is no such person in the household, any adult
household member 15 years old and over could be designated as the householder.
Information on the methodoloty used to produce these estimates is available at
Data for all states and the nation are available at
source: US Bureau of the Census, Population Division.
Prepared by: New Jersey Department of Labor, Division of Labor Market & Demographic Research, 12/99.