Photos and story by Tech.sgt. Mark Olsen, NJDMAVA/PA
On Feb. 7, the members of the 253rd Transportation Company, reported to their armory at Cape May Courthouse, to begin mobilization training in preparation for active duty service in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. This action followed the mobilization of the 150th Adjutant General Detachment and the 444th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment.
The 253rd Transportation Company is commanded by Capt. Michael Ciarrocca and is part of the 119th Corps Support Battalion under the 57th Troop Command. The 253rd was one of three New Jersey Army National Guard units activated for Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield.
At the end of their three-day preparation, the New Jersey Guardsmen moved to Fort Dix for Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) activity. The SRP activity concentrates on preparing mobilized soldiers for the realities of extended active duty deployment. These additional Garden State Guard troops are now part of the largest mobilization of Army Guard troops since the Persian Gulf War more than 11 years ago.