You need a license to operate an auto body repair facility. MVC issues different auto body repair licenses based on the types of repairs the facility will perform:
- Full service
- Auto body limited
- Auto body new dealer sublet
- Heavy duty vehicle endorsement
A heavy duty vehicle
endorsement is required for all licensed auto body repair facilities repairing vehicles weighing 14,000 pounds (GVWR) or more.
October 7, 2011
Pursuant to N.J.S.A.39:13-2.1, effective immediately, please note the following amendments to the insurance coverage requirements for damage to property and for liability arising from bodily injury which an auto body repair facility
must maintain for a full service license.
- Full service license auto body facilities shall maintain insurance coverage for damage to property and for liability arising from bodily injury, including, but not limited to: eligible garage liability or equivalent commercial
general liability insurance in a minimum amount of $300,000 or a letter of credit in the amount of $300,000; garage keepers’ liability insurance in a minimum amount of $50,000 or a letter of credit in the amount of
- Limited full service license applicants and licensees must also comply with these requirements.
How to get an auto body repair license
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Business Licensing Services Bureau
P.O. Box 170
225 East State Street
Trenton, NJ 08666-0170
- You and your place of business will be fully investigated after receipt of the completed application
Requirements for auto body repair licensing:
- You must be 18 years of age
- Have legal capacity to contract and be liable for all debt incurred
- Exhibit character and responsibility
- Be considered a proper person according to N.J.A.C. 13:21-21.5
The initial and supplementary applications must be completed and signed by the owner, partners, members or corporate officers. The supplementary applications include but are not limited to:
- Copy of Corporate Certificate or Formation papers
- Certificate of Occupancy or Municipal Approval form (Zoning)
- Lease agreement or copy of deed
- Certificate of inspection by Fire Marshall
- Child support form
- Signature card form
- Fingerprint request notification form
- Copy of Driver’s License
- Telephone Bill or Installation Order
- Business hours of operation
- Statement advising if facility will be performing painting services
- New Jersey sales tax ID number.
- New Jersey Unemployment registration number
- Federal employer ID number
- $20 Non-refundable application fee
In the case that there are multiple locations for an auto body repair facility, you will need to submit separate applications for each place of business
Full service requirements
The facility must be suitable to conduct all operations and have municipal and state licenses, permits and registrations, including:
- Federal Tax ID number
- New Jersey Sales Tax number
- Hazardous waste disposal systems
- Stack permits and any other applicable license, permits and registrations
- Maintain insurance coverage for damage to property and for liability arising from bodily injury. This includes but is not limited to:
- Garage keepers liability insurance
- Workers' compensation insurance
- Fire insurance
- Any other coverage required by the MVC
- Have and maintain an auto body repair facility reference source (ledger or computerized) for estimating the cost of repairs.
- Equipment to safely raise and support vehicles for inspection during repair.
- A metal inert gas welder.
- For all spray painting:
- An enclosed area for refinishing which complies with all applicable safety, fire, environmental and other regulations.
- The means to supply fresh air to workers within the spray area.
- A filtration method to reduce particles from the air exhausted from the spray area with standards established by the state or federal government.
- Necessary equipment to perform structural repairs, four-wheel alignment, vehicle air conditioner servicing and mechanical repairs.
- Provide evidence that at least one employee or 10% (whichever is greater) of employees have completed a recognized auto body repair related training course during the year immediately preceding the application for an initial
renewal of license.
An auto body repair facility may also qualify for a full service license if it meets all of the above conditions and has a written agreement to subcontract with another licensed ABR.
Limited auto body requirements
You may qualify for a limited auto body repair license if it meets all of the requirements for a full service facility except those items for spray painting, as long as you have a written agreement with a full service license auto
body repair facility to complete the spray painting for you. To get an auto body limited license:
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Business Licensing Services Bureau
P.O. Box 170
225 East State Street
Trenton, NJ 08666-170
- You and your place of business will be fully investigated after receipt of the competed application.
Civil penalties
- If you violate any regulations set forth by the state, you will face the following penalties
- First offense: no more than $5,000
- Second and each subsequent offense: no more than $20,000
- The civil penalty will be issued in the name of the Chief Administrator and shall be collected and enforced by summary proceedings.
In the event of continued or serious violations, the Chief Administrator may suspend your license and require you to cease operations during the time of suspension.
Auto Body New Dealer Sublet requirements
To qualify for an Auto-Body sublet license you must be a licensed New Jersey New Car dealer who intends to sub contract his or her auto body work to a licensed New Jersey Auto-Body
Repair Facility. To get an auto
body sublet license:
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Business Licensing Services Bureau
P.O. Box 170
225 East State Street
Trenton, NJ 08666-170
- You and your place of business will be fully investigated after receipt of the competed application.