If you are a commercially licensed driver, without any International Fuel Tax Association (IFTA) Decals displayed on your vehicle, and you need to travel through the State of New Jersey one time, then you are required to obtain Temporary Authority (TA) or a Trip Permit (TP) from an approved program provider. Please refer to the contact list of Approved New Jersey Permitting Vendors in the Related Links section below.
The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) has instituted a program to allow authorized vendors to purchase and resell IRP and IFTA trip permits on its behalf in order to improve operational efficiency and customer service.
Interested parties should first review the Trip Permit Business Process (attachment A) in the Related Links section below. If still interested, vendors should review and complete the application requirements as defined in the Request for Application document in the Related links section. This document also contains contact information for anyone who has questions regarding the process.
Upon receiving approval for an application, a vendor will be instructed to print and complete the Trip Permit Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), also contained in the Related Links section.. A vendor should return the completed MOU with a check for the initial desired quantity of IRP and/or IFTA Permits. Upon receiving a fully executed copy of the MOU, the authorized vendor will also receive the appropriate templates and assigned Permit numbers which they may begin selling to their customer.