If you purchase or lease a brand new vehicle out-of-state, you need to meet additional requirements to receive a one-time, five-year exempt New Car Dealer Inspection Decal:
- The vehicle must be titled and registered at an MVC
- The completed vehicle registration packet will include a Green Card (SS-19 Form) that is valid for 14 days. Place the Green Card in the lower left corner of the windshield as temporary authorization to drive the vehicle.
- Take the vehicle to a State-operated
Inspection Station within 14 days and receive a one-time, five-year New Car Dealer Inspection Decal.
- In-state dealers apply the New Car Dealer Inspections Decal directly to the vehicle. In this case a Green Card will not be included in the completed registration packet and the vehicle does not need to be taken to the inspection
- Out-of-state dealers cannot issue New Car Dealer Inspection Decal or the Green Card, but they may complete the registration paperwork on behalf of the customer through any MVC Agency. The agency will issue a SS-19 to the customer,
who can obtain New Car Dealer Inspection Decal from a State Inspection Station.
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- For further information you can contact Inspection Services at (609)-633-9474.