The New Jersey State Police frequently receives inquiries from government, business, and citizens on
the regulations and procedures for obtaining an individual's criminal history record. This web site
has been developed to assist you in answering the most common questions asked about this process.
New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 13:59-1 et seq. authorizes the dissemination of New Jersey
Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) by the New Jersey State Police (NJSP), Identification &
Information Technology Section (I&ITS), State Bureau of Identification (SBI) for noncriminal justice
purposes. The following entities are authorized to obtain from the SBI all records of convictions in the
New Jersey state courts and, regardless of their age, all records of pending arrests and charges for
violations of New Jersey laws, unless such records have been expunged:
Requests for CHRI by requesters shall be on forms prescribed by the Superintendent of the State Police, except for Attorneys-at-law who may obtain CHRI information through the lawful issuance of a subpoena.