NJSP Hosts Regional Drug Monitoring Initiative at Division HQ
West Trenton, N.J. - Acting Attorney General John Hoffman and Colonel Rick Fuentes, Superintendent of the
New Jersey State Police today hosted a drug symposium at the state’s fusion center, the N.J. ROIC (Regional Operations
Intelligence Center) where more than 100 top law enforcement and public health administrators from 15 states and Puerto
Rico gathered to learn the latest trends, implications, and threats presented by illicit drug use and distribution.
Today’s attendees were invited to learn more about the ROIC’s Drug Monitoring Initiative (DMI), which was created
to address the epidemic of the pervasive use of heroin, opiates, and the violent crimes and burglaries that are
directly correlated to this nationwide crisis.
The DMI is a cutting-edge program with a robust multi-state drug intelligence capability that collects and analyzes
law enforcement and healthcare data in order to help law enforcement and public healthcare experts develop
strategies to combat drug activity in their jurisdictions. Some highlights of the initiative are:
- The incorporation of public health into the drug monitoring intelligence cycle
- The ability to coordinate the collection, analysis, and mapping of drug incidents statewide
- The expedited analysis of seized drugs to better direct investigators and health resources
- Training law enforcement, fire service, and emergency medical service personnel statewide
This morning’s symposium addressed executives and representatives of fusion centers, HIDTA, forensic labs,
state public heath, human services, consumer affairs, and the department of education. Attendees participated
in panel discussions addressing regional concerns and best practices in implementing the DMI concept in their regions.
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