Box 45029, 124 Halsey Street
Newark, NJ 07101 Directions
(973) 648-3070 / fax (973) 648-6835
- Patricia Schiripo
Section Chief, Deputy Attorney General
- John Regina
Assistant Section Chief, Deputy Attorney General
- Jesse Sierant
Assistant Section Chief, Deputy Attorney General
- Jeffrey Koziar
Lead, Deputy Attorney General
The Consumer Fraud Prosecution Section provides legal representation to the Division of Consumer Affairs, Office of Consumer Protection, in investigations as well as civil and administrative actions to address violations of the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act and related statutes and regulations, including the Contractors’ Registration Act, and the Charitable Registration and Investigation Act. The Section also represents the State of New Jersey and/or the Division in multistate group investigations involving consumer protection issues.
Notable Cases
- Actions against home improvement contractors alleging deceptive conduct post Superstorm Sandy;
- Grewal v. Purdue Pharma, L.P., et al. alleging violations of the NJ Consumer Fraud and NJ False
Claims Acts arising from Purdue's practices in the promotion of opioid medications to NJ prescribers; and
- Rating Agency Cases – New Jersey was a party to the state and federal settlement concerning McGraw
Hill and Standard & Poor’s and to the state and federal settlement with Moody’s Corporation arising out of the rating agencies’ misrepresentations and omissions regarding their independence and objectivity in the rating of structured finance securities. New Jersey received over $21.5 million from the S & P settlement and over $15.2 million from the Moody’s settlement.