General InformationRulesHearingsLocationsFormsDecisions


The OAL libraries in the Trenton and Newark offices are closed to the public. Only OAL employees are permitted to use the libraries. Public and private sector attorneys; non-attorney representatives; pro se litigants; and employees of other State or local agencies are not permitted to utilize the library materials or work in the library. These restrictions are the result of budgetary constraints. We regret any inconvenience caused by this policy.

OAL initial and final decisions are available from the following sources:

Selected decisions prior to October 1991 can be found in New Jersey Administrative Reports (N.J.A.R.)

Decisions from l991-September l997 can be found in N.J.A.R. 2d, a looseleaf publication that arranges decisions according to agency.

Decisions from October 1997-present can be found on the internet at a free website maintained by Rutgers-Camden School of Law. Decisions from October 1997 and later are not available in a hard copy compilation. The website address for finding decisions is as follows:

initial decisions:

final decisions:

Decisions available in N.J.A.R., N.J.A.R. 2d, or on the Rutgers-Camden School of Law website are NOT available from the OAL. Please check these sources before requesting a decision from the OAL. If you need a copy of an initial decision or final decision that is not available from one of these sources, you can contact the OAL Library.

Decisions from the OAL Library: If you know the OAL Docket Number of the decision that you need, you can write to the Office of Administrative Law, P.O. Box 49, Trenton, N.J. 08625-0049, Attn: Library. Please include any other identifying information and your telephone number. Once we receive your request, we will determine the cost for duplicating the decision, and contact you with that information. Pre-payment is required before any materials are mailed. Due to staffing shortages, no decisions can be faxed. The cost for duplicating decisions is as follows:

Pages l-10 $0.75 per page
Pages ll-20 $0.50 per page
Pages 21 and thereafter $0.25 per page

Decisions will be mailed within two weeks of receipt of your payment.