The words in bold are the answers to the clues that you will use to build the puzzle. After you create the puzzle, use these clues with a blank where each bold word is.


1. The Indians used cranberries as medicine.

2. The blossom of the cranberry looks like the bead of the crane.

3. Cranberries grow in wet areas called bogs.

4. Harvesting cranberries was once done with large wooden scoops.

5. Cranberries are a native fruit.

6. Cranberries grow best where the water table is high.

7. To harvest berries by the wet-picking method, the bogs are flooded.

8. A conveyor belt lifts the berries to a truck.

10. Cranberry sauce was made in 1917 by Elizabeth Lee.

11. Each autumn there is a cranberry festival in Chatsworth.

12. The water reel knocks the berries off the vine and they float on the water.

13. New Jersey's cranberry farms are in the Pinelands.

14. Cranberries are used in a variety of juices.

15. Ocean Spray is the country's largest cranberry growers organization.


1. Blueberries are an important crop of the New Jersey Pinelands.

2. Early settlers and Indians gathered wild blueberries.

3. Huckleberries are similar to blueberries except that they have large seeds.

4. Elizabeth White grew the first cultivated blueberries in 1916.

5. Dr. Frederick Coville was a scientist who experimented with blueberries.

6. The first blueberry farm was at Whitesbog.

7. Miss White offered cash for the large wild blueberries.

8. Miss White was the first person to use cellophane to protect fresh fruit.

9. Blueberries grow well in sandy, acidic soil.

10. Dunfee and Rubel were names given to two varieties of blueberry bushes.

11. The roots of blueberry bushes need good drainage.

12. Dr. Coville selected six of the best blueberry bushes.

13. New Jersey is the second largest producer of fresh blueberries.