Background Information


In New Jersey, 99% of all forest fires are set by people. Causes of these fires include:

1. Arson - 52.9%: These fires are set willfully and maliciously for a variety of reasons including spite, revenge, personal gratification, and economic gain. The number of fires caused by arson has risen dramatically in recent years.

2. Child-related accidents - 14.6%: Children playing with matches continues to be a major cause of forest fires. These fires occur mostly around housing developments.

3. Smoking-related fires - 11.9%: Many fires are caused by matches, cigarettes, cigars, and pipe heels that are carelessly discarded before they are completely extinguished.

4. Miscellaneous causes - 9.3%: Fires which cannot be grouped into any other categories are included in this group. Examples of these are a building fire that spreads to an adjoining woodland, or a forest f ire resulting from an automobile accident.

5. Campfires (recreation) - 3.5%: Fires of this type occur for one of two reasons:" (1) they are located next to or on flammable material or they are haphazardly constructed or (2) they are left untended while still burning.

6. Equipment use - 2.8%: Fires of this type result from the careless operation and poor maintenance of equipment. Sparks from the running of chain saws, cutting torches, and earth moving equipment may cause forest fires.

7 Debris burning (leaves, trash) - 1.6%: The uncontrolled expansion of debris fires to adjoining areas may cause major fires. Debris burning is illegal, except under special conditions. Fires resulting from debris burning have been greatly reduced since the state banned open burning in 1972.

8. Railroad - 0.8%: These fires are caused by various railroad operations including improperly maintained right-of-way or spark arrestors and hot brake shoe particles.

9. Lightning - 0.4%: These are the only fires that are naturally occurring and non-preventable. This cause is responsible for less than 10 fires a year.

This information was obtained from the New Jersey Forest Fire Service.