Name:__________________________________ Date:_____________________

"What's My Address"

Directions: Identify the animal shown on each card. Then, under each heading, place the name of the animal that lives in each habitat, the food it eats, and its current status. Write your answers in pencil. Use a second sheet of paper if you need room to record all your answers


I. Habitat - a place that has everything a living thing needs to survive. Types of habitats found in the Pinelands can be classified as:

A. upland - land that is well above sea level and is often dry

B. wetland - low land that is often swampy because the water table is at or near the earth's surface

C. bodies of water - these include streams, rivers, ponds, lakes/reservoirs

II. Survival Status - the state or condition of an animal species population. These states are:

A. common - animals that are abundant or numerous

B. endangered - animals whose chances for living are in immediate danger

C. threatened - animals that may become endangered in the near future if they are overhunted or if the conditions in their natural habitats change



1. Blue Jay-eats acorns, insects, bird eggs, young birds

Status is common

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