N.J. State Commission of Investigation

Organized Crime Infiltration of Dental Care Plans

The Commission held a public hearing in December 1980 and issued a report in June 1981. Legislation was enacted in 1982-83 incorporating the Commission's recommendations for barring organized crime influence in dental care plans sold to labor unions and for increased auditing, monitoring and financial disclosure for such plans. The SCI was represented by a Commissioner and its Executive Director at a U.S. House Aging Committee hearing in 1981 on abuses of health care trust funds and at a public hearing by the Pennsylvania Crime Commission in 1981 on its probe of mob influence over the operation of labor union dental plans.

To read the entire report please Click Here

50 West State St. 14th Floor
P.O. Box 045
Trenton, NJ 08625-0045
Tel (609) 292-6767 Fax (609) 633-7366

50 West State St. 14th Floor
P.O. Box 045
Trenton, NJ 08625-0045
Tel (609) 292-6767 Fax (609) 633-7366