As a result of the passing of P.L. 2025, c. 20, the number of signatures required on a nominating petition have changed. The new number signatures that are required for a nominating petition will take effect immediately. Further, “[a]ny petition signatures collected by a candidate for office to be voted for at the 2025 primary election utilizing the petition forms published by the Secretary of State prior to the effective date of P.L. 2025, c. 20 . . . shall not be subject to a petition challenge based upon the use of a form published by the Secretary of State prior to the effective date of P.L. 2025, c. 20.”
The 2025 Petitions have been amended and are available for download. Please use the link below to download them:
Download Petitions
The 2025 Primary Election has been rescheduled. Please view the official notice for further details.
March 24 - by 4:00 p.m.
Candidate Petition Filing Deadline for Primary Election
(before 4:00 p.m. 71 days before the original election date of June 3, 2025 pursuant to P.L. 2024,c.107)
March 27 - by 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for Amendments to Defective Petitions for Primary Election Candidates
March 28 - by 4:00 p.m.
Filing Deadline for Objections to Nominating Petitions for Primary Election Candidates
April 2
Deadline for Determination of Petition Challenges for Primary Election Candidates
April 16
Deadline for Change of Party Affiliation Declaration Forms for Primary Election to be Filed with County Commissioners of Registration
April 19
Commencement of Mailing of Mail-In Ballots for Primary Election
(45 days before the original June 3, 2025 election date pursuant to P.L. 2024,c.107)
May 20
Voter Registration Deadline for the Primary Election
May 20
Mandated Evening Voter Registration Available for Primary Election in Offices of County
Commissioners of Registration
June 3
Deadline to apply for a Mail-In Ballot by Mail for Primary Election
June 3
Deadline for Unaffiliated Voters to submit Political Party Affiliation Declaration Forms for
Primary Election to be Filed with County Commissioners of Registration in order to receive a
mail-in ballot by mail
June 4
Mailing of Sample Ballots for Primary Election
June 6 – June 8
Early Voting Period
June 6
Deadline for Application to Receive Primary Election Mail-In Ballots by Electronic Means for
Qualified Overseas Civilian and Military Voters
June 9 – by 3:00 p.m.
Deadline for In-Person Mail-In Ballot Applications for Primary Election
June 9 – by 3:00 p.m.
Deadline for Unaffiliated Voters to submit Political Party Affiliation Declaration Forms for
Primary Election to be Filed with County Commissioners of Registration in order to receive a
mail-in ballot in person
June 10
Primary Election Day
June 10 - by 4:00 p.m.
Candidate Petition Filing Deadline for General Election
June 10
Deadline for Post Office Receipt of Mail-In Ballots from the Primary Election
June 10
Deadline for In-Person Submission of Primary Election Mail-In Ballots to County Boards of
Election and to Authorized Ballot Drop Boxes
June 12
Deadline for Receipt by County Boards of Elections of Mail-In Ballots by delivery of the United
States Postal Service that DO NOT Bear a Postmark of Delivery
June 13 - by 4:00 p.m.
Deadline for Amendments to Defective Petitions for Independent General Election Candidates
June 16
Deadline for Receipt of Timely Mailed Postmarked Mail-In Ballots to County Boards of Election
June 16 - by 4:00 p.m.
Filing Deadline for Objections to Nomination Petitions for Independent General Election
June 18
Deadline for Receipt of Cure Form to County Boards of Election
June 19
Deadline for Determination of Petition Challenge for Independent General Election Candidates
June 20
Canvass of Primary Election Votes by County Clerks
June 27
Deadline for Secretary of State to Certify Gubernatorial Primary Election Results
September 20
Commencement of Mailing of Mail-In Ballots for General Election
October 14
Voter Registration Deadline for General Election
October 14
Mandated Evening Voter Registration Available for General Election in Offices of County
Commissioners of Registration
October 22
Mailing of Sample Ballots for General Election
October 25 - November 2
Early Voting Period
October 28
Deadline to apply for a Mail-In Ballot by Mail for General Election
October 31
Deadline for Application to Receive General Election Mail-In Ballots by Electronic Means for
Qualified Overseas Civilian and Military Voters
November 3 – by 3:00 p.m.
Deadline for In-Person Mail-In Ballot Applications for General Election
November 4
General Election Day
November 4
Deadline for Post Office Receipt of Mail-In Ballots from the General Election
November 4
Deadline for In-Person Submission of General Election Mail-In Ballots to County Boards of
Election and to Authorized Ballot Drop Boxes
November 6
Deadline for Receipt by County Boards of Elections of Mail-In Ballots by Delivery of the United
States Postal Service that DO NOT Bear a Postmark of Delivery
November 10
Deadline for Receipt of Timely Mailed Postmarked Mail-In Ballots to County Boards of Election
November 15
Deadline for Receipt of Cure Form to County Boards of Election
December 4
Deadline for Meeting of Board of State Canvassers to Certify General Election Results
Please be advised that the February 6, 2025 Voting Machine Examination Committee hearing was cancelled as a result of inclement weather and has been rescheduled to Friday, February 7, 2025.
Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., please take notice that a virtual meeting of the State of New Jersey Voting Machine Examination Committee will be held on Friday, February 7, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom.
The Committee will examine the Election Systems & Software (ES&S) ExpressVote Universal Voting System version, ExpressVote 3 Universal Voting System version, ExpressVote XL Full Face Universal Voting System version, DS200 Precinct Scanner and Tabulator version, DS300 Precinct Scanner and Tabulator version, DS850 High-Speed Scanner and Tabulator version, DS450 High-Throughput Scanner and Tabulator version, DS 950 High-Throughput Scanner and Tabulator version and Electionware Election Management System (EMS) (EVS
Notice of this meeting is being filed on February 6, 2025 with the Lt. Governor/Secretary of State and
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Publication Date: April 15, 2024
The New Jersey Division of Elections advises that a change in state election law has increased the number of petition signatures required for candidates to qualify for the ballot. Governor Phil Murphy has signed A-5117/S-3994, which modifies the number of petition signatures required for candidates to be placed on primary, general, nonpartisan municipal, and school election ballots.
The Division of Elections distributed an electioneering poster on Saturday, October 26th to aid county election officials and poll workers.
New Jersey’s Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way, who oversees the Division of Elections in her capacity as Secretary of State, is reminding New Jersey voters with disabilities that they have multiple options to cast their ballot for the 2024 General Election.
New Jersey’s Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way is reminding eligible voters that the State is making it safe, simple, and secure to participate in the upcoming November 5 General Election.
Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way joined students, faculty, and staff at William Paterson University on Tuesday September 17th to kick off the 7th Annual New Jersey Ballot Bowl on National Voter Registration Day.
Statewide Non-Partisan Voter Registration Competition Runs Through Election Day
New Jersey’s Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way and the state’s Division of Elections are encouraging eligible voters to note important dates approaching for the upcoming Sept. 18 Special General Election for the United States House of Representatives - 10th Congressional District.
New Jersey’s Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way, who oversees the Division of Elections in her capacity as Secretary of State, is letting disabled New Jersey voters know they have multiple options to cast their ballot for the 2024 Primary Election.
New Jersey is once again making it safe, simple, and secure for eligible voters to participate in the upcoming Primary Election on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, according to Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way, who oversees the New Jersey Division of Elections in her capacity as Secretary of State.
New Jersey residents who’d like to earn extra money while serving their community can now apply to be a poll worker for the upcoming Tuesday, June 4, 2024 Primary Election and early voting period.
The Division of Elections is proposing to readopt without changes the expired rules at N.J.A.C. 15:10. These rules have and will continue to have an advantageous impact on election administration in New Jersey.
The New Jersey Division of Elections and the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP) remind New Jersey voters that the State’s Election Security Coordination Task Force is on guard to ensure the security and integrity of the State’s elections infrastructure.
All eligible registered New Jersey voters can participate in the 2023 General Election using the state’s in-person early voting option from October 28 through November 5.
Disabled New Jersey voters have multiple options to cast their ballot for the 2023 General Election.
Los residentes de Nueva Jersey que deseen ganar un dinero extra mientras sirven a su comunidad ya pueden solicitar ser trabajadores electorales para las próximas Elecciones Generales del 7 de noviembre de 2023 y el período de votación anticipada.
New Jersey is once again making it safe, simple, and secure for eligible voters to participate in the upcoming November 7, 2023, General Election, according to Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way, who oversees the New Jersey Division of Elections in her capacity as Secretary of State.
Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way, who serves as New Jersey’s chief election official, and the New Jersey Division of Elections are reminding candidates and voters of key dates and the upcoming timeline for the November 7, 2023 General Election.
New Jersey residents who’d like to earn extra money while serving their community can now apply to be a poll worker for the upcoming November 7, 2023 General Election and early voting period.
Disabled New Jersey voters have multiple options to cast their ballot for the 2023 Primary Election.
One of 24 Programs Honored by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission for Innovation, Sustainability, and Replicability
Video Series Helps Voters Better Understand Election Process
The New Jersey Division of Elections is partnering with New Jersey counties to seek residents to serve as poll workers for the upcoming June 6, 2023 Primary Election.
As County Clerks have sent mail-in ballots to New Jersey Primary Voters this week, New Jersey Secretary of State Tahesha Way and the New Jersey Division of Elections reminds eligible voters that they have three convenient ways to vote in the upcoming June 6, 2023 Primary Election, with information on each available at VOTE.NJ.GOV.
New Jersey Secretary of State Tahesha Way is reminding unaffiliated voters, those who have not registered as a voter of a specific political party, that if they want to vote by mail in the upcoming June 6, 2023 Primary Election, they must declare a party affiliation by April 12, 2023. This deadline ONLY applies to those unaffiliated voters who want to vote using a mail-in ballot in the upcoming Primary Election.
The New Jersey Division of Elections is reminding candidates and voters of key dates and the upcoming timeline for the June 6, 2023 Primary Election. This information can also be found by visiting Vote.NJ.Gov or calling 1-877-NJ-Voter (1-877-658-6837).
Tomorrow, millions of New Jersey voters will participate in the 2022 General Election. 28,000 poll workers will show up for our democracy and staff approximately 3,200 polling locations across New Jersey. Polls will be open from 6 am until 8 pm.
Disabled New Jersey voters have multiple options to cast their ballot for the 2022 General Election.
Secretary of State Tahesha Way, New Jersey’s chief election official, is warning the public about text messages containing election misinformation being sent to some New Jersey voters. The messages, which appear to have been sent by an organization called Voting Futures, provide inaccurate voter registration information and direct the recipients to incorrect polling locations.
New Jersey Secretary of State Tahesha Way and the New Jersey Division of Elections are reminding voters of three convenient ways to vote in the upcoming November 8 General Election.
Membership in ERIC will strengthen NJ voter file accuracy.