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Designer Submissions

Designers are required to submit electronic Design Communications Reports and Quality Management plans. Design Communications Reports are required for each active project. Quality Management plans are required for each design firm.

Design Communications Reports

A part of the Designer's responsibility is to update the Design Communications Report (DCR). This report is a collection of design decisions made relating to a project, and decisions made regarding the procedure of a part of the design of a project. The DCR will be prepared by design elements, which are survey/mapping, geometrics, hydraulics & hydrology, pavement, geotechnical, environmental, utilities, structures, right of way, access, landscape, traffic, electrical, and safety. The DCR will be organized by Design Element, with each entry under the design element organized chronologically. New entries into the DCR can be added at any time during the project's design phases. See the Interactive Communications Procedure (pdf 348k) for further information..

Download for Design Communications Report Form (doc 125k)

The Design Communications Report submimssion form
is currently offline.
We hope to have this issue resolved ASAP.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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Quality Management Plans

All Designers (in-house and consultant) are required to create and electronically submit a Quality Management Plan (QMP). A QMP is a document or set of documents that describe the standards, quality practices, resources, and processes pertinent to an organization. The plan will document the specific quality controls that will be applied during Preliminary Design, Final Design, and Construction.

The Program Management Office (PMO) will review and approve all Quality Management Plans, and perform periodic quality audits. The CPM Audit Procedure will be controlled and executed by the PMO and Capital Program Management (CPM) senior management. The CPM Audit Procedure goal is to evaluate a project's quality level and compliance to NJDOT Procedures and Quality Management Policy. See the Quality Management Plan Procedure for further information.

Enter your:
Last name: First name:

Select from your machine the file containing your plan:

By submitting this plan, I CERTIFY that the information in this plan is complete and accurate, to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misleading or incorrect information may render this plan void and be just cause for immediate investigation.

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  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
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  Last Updated:  February 20, 2018