Department of Transportation

Speed Limits For State Roads

Route I-195
(a) The rate of speed designated for the certain parts of State Highway Route I-195 described in this subsection are hereby established and adopted as the maximum legal rate of speed:
1. In Mercer County:
i. In the Township of Hamilton:
(1) For the eastbound direction of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH between Route I-295 and Route US 206 (approximate mileposts 0.00 to 0.92); thence
(B) Zone 2: 65 MPH between Route US 206 and the Hamilton Township Robbinsville Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 0.92 to 5.58); thence
(2) For the westbound direction of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 55 MPH between Route I-295 and 1,025 feet east of Route US 206 (approximate mileposts 0.00 to 1.11); thence
(B) Zone 2: 65 MPH between 1,025 feet east of Route US 206 and the Hamilton Township–Robbinsville Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 1.11 to 5.58); thence
ii. In the Township of Robbinsville (formerly Washington Township):
(1) For both directions of traffic
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH  between the Hamilton Township-Robbinsville Township corporate line and the westernmost Robbinsville Township-Upper Freehold Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 5.58 to 8.33); thence
(2) For the westbound direction of traffic:
(A) Zone1: 65 MPH between the westernmost Robbinsville Township-Upper Freehold Township corporate line and the easternmost Robbinsville Township-Upper Freehold Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 8.33 to 8.54); thence
2. In Monmouth County:
i. In the Township of Upper Freehold:
(1) For the eastbound direction of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the westernmost Robbinsville Township-Upper Freehold Township corporate line and the easternmost Robbinsville Township- Upper Freehold Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 8.33 to 8.54); thence
(2) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the easternmost Robbinsville Township – Upper Freehold Township corporate line and the Upper Freehold Township – Millstone Township corporate line (approximate mileposts 8.54 to 14.15); thence
ii. In the Township of Millstone:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH within the corporate limits (approximate mileposts 14.15 to 16.71); thence
NOTE: See Ocean County below for speed limits from approximate mileposts 16.71 to 25.63.
iii. In the Township of Howell:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH within the corporate limits (approximate mileposts 25.63 to 32.21); thence
iv. In the Township of Wall:
(1) For the eastbound direction of traffic:
() Zone 1: 65 MPH between the Howell Township–Wall Township corporate line and 1,900 feet west of Route NJ 34 (approximate mileposts 32.21 to 33.81); thence
(B) Zone 2: 55 MPH between 1,900 feet west of Route NJ 34 and Route NJ 34 (approximate mileposts 33.81 to 34.17); thence
(2) For the westbound direction of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH between the Wall Township–Howell Township corporate line and 1,900 feet west of Route NJ 34 (approximate mileposts 32.21 to 33.81); thence
(B) Zone 2: 55 MPH between 1,900 feet west of Route NJ 34 and Route NJ 34 (approximate mileposts 33.81 to 34.17); thence
3. In Ocean County:
i. In the Township of Jackson:
(1) For both directions of traffic:
(A) Zone 1: 65 MPH within the corporate limits (approximate mileposts 16.71 to 25.63).

Last updated date: April 7, 2020 8:20 AM